On 19.01.2013 14:36, Ignas Anikevičius wrote:
> On 18/01/13 03:47:55 +0100, Adrian C. wrote:
>> On Wed, 16 Jan 2013, Marco wrote:
>>> the man page states:
>>>   Mod4 + Shift + F1-9
>>>      Tag marked clients with tag.
>> Does the awesome 3.5 man page say that? It shouldn't say that in version 
>> 3.5.
> I checked the man page for the git/master just now and it does indeed
> say that. It is almost at the end of the man page. I guess we should
> either reimplement the key binding that tags *marked* clients with a
> tag or remove the lines (I somehow think, that the second is much easier
> to do).
> I attach a patch which removes the unnecessary lines from the man pages.

Thanks, applied.

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 - 79th Rule of Acquisition

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