I am thinking about implementing a simple application which needs to
get some info from awesome (in my case it is current tag's layout
indicator app).

I tried to use awesome-client, I connected some signals with debug
prints using naughty:

function print (s) naughty.notify({text = s}) end

function print_info() print (awful.layout.getname(awful.layout.get())) end

awful.tag.attached_add_signal(1, "property::layout", print_info)
awful.tag.attached_add_signal(1, "property::selected", print_info

But what I need is way for my application to get this info back.

Is there any common way for that?

Can I import some IPC(interprocess communication) module through
awesome-client?  Or should I use dbus modules supplied with awesome?

(Reposted from awes...@naquadah.org)

Vitaly Minnahmetov

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