A new Flyspray task has been opened.  Details are below. 

User who did this - EVA7SK (EVA7SK) 

Attached to Project - awesome
Summary - Focus a client by mouse enter a tasklist item
Task Type - Evolution Request
Category - awful
Status - Unconfirmed
Assigned To - 
Operating System - Linux
Severity - Medium
Priority - Normal
Reported Version - 3.5.2
Due in Version - Undecided
Due Date - Undecided
Details - I'm using Awesome WM, And i like it
I did some modification to configuration file eg:

1.modkey + left click on client to move client
1.left click on tasklist to minimize/unminimize client

2.modkey + middle click on client to floating/unfloating client
2.middle click on tasklist to floating/unfloating client

3.modkey + right click on client to resize
3.right click on tasklist to close client

4.modkey + mouse wheel on client to control client's minimize/unminimize and 
ontop property(if client is not minimized)
4.mouse wheel on tasklist to control client's minimize/unminimize and ontop 
property(if client is not minimized)

5.mouse enter a client to focus
5.**Now, I really need this feature:
  mouse enter a tasklist item to focus a client**

I want to directly modify library file
But I'm new to lua script
Can anyone provide a patch ?
I'm appreciate

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