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FS#1218 - Scrolling layout
User who did this - Uli Schlachter (psychon)

First some formal things: Please send patches via git (commit your change to 
git (with good commit message), git format-patch origin/master.. gives you a 
file that you can submit). Please use the license header that every other lua 
file uses, too (but the copyright is yours).

- The :to_end() function only works if self._max_offset is up to date and this 
only happens in the :draw() method. So :to_end() only works a random time after 
the widget was created and added to some wibox. I guess you need some function 
for calculating _max_offset, but I don't know how such a thing could look like.
- The widget can only be shown in a single position. If I add it to more than 
one place, the smaller of the two will interfere with the other location (I am 
not completely sure what exactly will happen).
- Functions should use luadoc. (Look at e.g. lib/awful/util.lua for some 
examples. Your code misses some @param and @return annotations)
- I don't see why a scroll layout without any widgets should get handled 
specially in :fit().
- "-- In first time we just calculate max offset. Now we can draw widgets." <- 
This just doesn't work. This code heavily assumes that the widget will always 
be drawn with the same size (unless widget::updated occurs). However, the size 
could change because we have e.g. this widget next to a textclock and the 
textclock's width is "unstable" (some letters are smaller than others)
- :draw() scares me. I guess I have enough complaints for now...

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