Apologies in case you already received a reply of mine for this message.
But according to gmail the email had never been sent correctly.
Please find my notes inline.

On Thu, Mar 6, 2014 at 4:50 PM, Uli Schlachter <psyc...@znc.in> wrote:

> Hi,
> On 02.03.2014 18:32, Massimiliano Brocchini wrote:
> > i like to keep only correct command in my history entries and I didn't
> want
> > to edit cache files anymore.
> >
> > Attached patch adds CTRL+DELETE shortcut to prompt.lua to delete visible
> > command from history.
> I almost like the patch (except for the missing line breaks in the commit
> message

Ops, let's try again with proper line breaks

> and the new call to history_save() for which I can't find a reasonable
> explanation; yeah, we could have changed the history when Esc is pressed,
> but
> still this code seems weird...).

I added the new call to history_save to cover the scenario in which a user
opens a prompt and deletes some history entries then closes the prompt
without executing any command. In that case if we don't call history_save
the changes to the history are lost.

I'm open to discuss, but I think that having to tell users that if they
want their changes to the history entries saved they have to execute a
command seems a little bit akward to me.

> Anyway, git doesn't like your patch. I end up with this commit message,
> could
> you... dunno, send me the file differently?

I'm sending the patch again, please let me know if this doesn't work, I'll
try with "here document".


> If this gets accepted and committed, you are invited to remind me to
> > document all keyboard shortcuts and their behaviour in a wiki page once a
> > new release will be out.
> Feel free to add that to the ldoc comments in the source. :-)

Done, but was not sure whether to use an HTML table or just lists. Since
tables are not used in any other ldoc, I opted for lists.

> Uli
> --
> Q: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
> A: Why is putting a reply at the top of the message frowned upon?


Attachment: 0001-prompt-CTRL-DELETE-deletes-history-entries.patch
Description: Binary data

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