A new Flyspray task has been opened.  Details are below. 

User who did this - Uli Schlachter (psychon) 

Attached to Project - awesome
Summary - Yet another task-/taglist rewrite
Task Type - Bug Report
Category - Core
Status - New
Assigned To - 
Operating System - All
Severity - Low
Priority - Normal
Reported Version - git/master
Due in Version - 4.0
Due Date - Undecided
Details - In 3.4, the task-/taglist widgets got a label function and a list of 
buttons as its argument. The label function was called for every single object 
and returned the text, bg color, bg image and icon to use. To skip/hide 
entries, nothing was returned.

In 3.5, the task-/taglist widgets only get a filter function that can skip 
entries. The label function still exists, but only internally and cannot be 
influenced from rc.lua (why?). We have some theme options to influence the way 
that the task-/taglist looks like.

For 3.6/4.0, we could give the list a single function which gets an object and 
returns a single widget for it. Updating the widget needs to be done through 
the suitable signals, not by re-creating the complete list on some randomly 
selected set of signals. That way, even the order of the icon and text could be 
swapped. Return nil would again count as filtering. The currently available 
options would of course have to be implemented in awful.widget.tasklist/taglist 
as ready-to-use callback functions.

Perhaps it also makes sense to do things in two steps? Have a function which 
extracts name, icon etc from the object, just like the 3.4 version did and have 
another function which uses this information to create the widget and gets the 
first function as an upvalue.

So the API could be something like:

awful.widget.tasklist(s, function(t) return 
awful.widget.tasklist.filter.alll(t, awful.widget.tasklist.label) end)

(Where tasklist.label works just like it did in 3.4 and tasklist.filter.all 
works like it does in 3.5, but returns a single widget and which uses the 
provided callback for getting text etc)

What do others thing about this? Any use cases that I forgot?

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