* Gregor Best <g...@ring0.de> [100720 23:55]:
> On Wed, Jul 21, 2010 at 05:52:05AM +0000, Evo2 wrote:
> > [...]
> > By creating the config file, the default config is not used, so essentially 
> > have 
> > an empty configuration. Copy the default (should be 
> > /etc/xdg/awesome/rc.lua) to 
> > ~/.config/awesome/rc.lua and then make your modifications.
> > [...]
  Looks like I might need to do this. 

>     os.execute("nm-applet &")
> keep in mind though that this starts nm-applet whenever awesome is
> restarted. That also includes screen geometry changes (i.e. xrandr
> events), such as connecting another screen. 
  Is there a command to first shut down nm-applet (and that command
  might need to be error-trapped)? Then restart, thus avoiding
  and redundancies.
  What do you folks do?

> The appropriate place to
> start programs would be your ~/.Xsession or ~/.xinitrc, depending on
> which is used by your login manager. A working bare bones session file
> would look like this:
>     #!/bin/bash
>     nm-applet &
>     exec awesome
   No success using either startup file.
   I don't think the login manager is reading either of the files
   above. Darn ubuntu.
   Thanks to everybody for the responses.

tim at johnsons-web.com or akwebsoft.com

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