On Fri, 18 Feb 2011, Torsten Andre wrote:

> Am 18.02.2011 11:13, schrieb Kamil Sałaś:
> > My solution is ugly, but works.
> > Run TheBrain through Wine.
> >
> > Kamil Sałaś
> >
> Yes, you are right. Your solution is ugly ;) Just kidding!
> The thing is that this is not a specific problem of The Brain, but many Java
> applications. Call me nuts, but these Java problems only occur in Awesome. I
> mean this can't be coincidence. This is systematic. And some applications are
> just Java - I cannot help it (though I'd prefer them not to be, but that's
> another story).
> Bastian Bloessl answered on my mail (which he missed to send to the list and
> did not correct upon notification, so I just do it for him now):
> I have a similar behavior here with jabref (which is also java based).
> I am running Gentoo 64-bit.
> awesome -v
> awesome v3.4.8 (Never Know)
>  Build: Jan 24 2011 13:50:13 for x86_64 by gcc version 4.4.4 (@khaldur)
> java-config -L
> The following VMs are available for generation-2:
> 1)    Sun 32bit JRE [emul-linux-x86-java-1.6]
> *)    Sun JDK [sun-jdk-1.6]     <- active
> Basti


I have the very same problem with some Java programs (FreeMind,
jDownloader, for example); I can't even run muCommander which gives me
a totally gray window.  The Java work-around on Awesome wiki didn't
help.  Changing from Sun/Oracle JDK to IBM JDK or Open JDK didn't
work, either.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, I notice that the problem only happens
with Swing programs, not SWT ones (like Vuze and Eclipse).

I'm running Gentoo x86_64 (same as Basti) with:

| $ awesome -v
| awesome v3.4.8 (Never Know)
| • Build: Feb  4 2011 12:30:09 for x86_64 by gcc version 4.4.4 (@tim)
| • D-Bus support: ✔
| $ java-config -L
| The following VMs are available for generation-2:
| 1)    IBM JDK [ibm-jdk-bin-1.6]
| 2)    IcedTea6-bin 1.9.4 [icedtea6-bin]
| *)    Sun JDK [sun-jdk-1.6]            <- marked

Best regards,
Dương "Yang" Hà Nguyễn
Web log: http://cmpitg.wordpress.com/
"Life is a hack"

Version: 3.12
GIT/C/ED/L d++ s-:-(:) !a C+++(++++) ULU++++>$ P-- L+++>$ E+++ W++>+++ N+ o+ K 
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