Hihi awesome community =),

im apologizing at the beginning for my bad english =(

i have a problem with Awesome. It runs peferctly fine after i killed it at
the beginning, until then i wasnt able to "click" anything or use commands.
So i pkill Awesome, the Slimloginwindow pops back up, i log in and it runs
perfectly as it should. Theres no error or something, but i do think it has
to do with the keygrabber.lua but i dont now exactly why. I'm using Slim as
my login manager and i just exec awesome in the xinit. I'm using archlinux
at the moment, hope that helps!

kindest regards,

P.s. could it be a problem with the xserver? Therefore it would be a topic
for the archlinux mailinglist ... Hope that isnt the case and im failing
right now =D

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