On 2012-06-17 Uli Schlachter <psyc...@znc.in> wrote:

> > The argument -DPREFIX seems to be pretty much the equivalent of --prefix.
> > However, it doesn't work, unfortunately. I tried to call make as follows
> > 
> >   make CMAKE_ARGS="-DSYSCONFDIR=/home/me/.local/etc 
> > -DPREFIX=/home/me/.local"
> > 
> > but it still tries to place some man pages in /usr/local
> Either delete build/CMakeCache.txt (= don't change the prefix in a non-clean
> build dir) or add -DAWESOME_MAN_PATH=/home/me/.local/share/man to your flags.

Thanks for that. CMakeCache.txt gave me some insight of the
variables used during installation. Setting the MAN_PATH was not
enough. I ended up using

make CMAKE_ARGS="                                  \
  -DAWESOME_MAN_PATH=/home/me/.local/usr/share/man \
  -DAWESOME_DOC_PATH=/home/me/.local/usr/share/doc \

to get nothing placed outside of $HOME. I would expect -DPREFIX to
set those up automatically, but as I said earlier, I don't know much
about the CMake process. Thanks for your help.


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