On 23/06/12 01:28, Hong Shick Pak wrote:
> Just found out what was wrong. I remapped my Caps Lock to Ctrl with
> xmodmap and this:
> remove Lock = Caps_Lock
> remove Control = Control_L
> keysym Caps_Lock = Control_L
> add Lock = Caps_Lock
> add Control = Control_L
> If I use the actual Ctrl key, everything works fine. I popped up xev
> and I guess it's a problem with
> XKeysymToKeycode returns keycode: 37
> because the actual keycode for the Caps Lock is 66.
> Why would this only bug that one special case with viewing tags?

I had a similar issue, but I had Caps_Lock remapped to Mod4. As far as I
remember the issue is that some key combinations can't be registered
because kernel does not recognize them. This might be a hardware level

So the problem doesn't have to do anything with awesome.


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