Hi everyone,

I just installed awesome. :) I was wondering if any more experienced users have 
found a way to get awesome to do any of the following nice tricks I was used to 
having xmonad do for me:

1- Send current window to the next empty desktop.

2- Send current window to the next empty desktop and display/focus that desktop.

3- Display/focus the next empty desktop.

4- (Using 3 screens) Place focus on the (left, middle, right) screen. [I found 
the keybindings for "focus next/previous screen" but I find the former somewhat 
more practical.]

5- (Also using 3 screens) Switch the desktop that currently has focus with the 
desktop that is being displayed on the (physical) screen to its right. Eg, if 
the left screen is displaying desktop 1,  the center screen is displaying 
desktop 2 and the right screen is displaying desktop 3, then

- if the focus was originally on the left screen, after pressing this key the 
screens should be displaying desktops (2, 1, 3)
- if the focus was originally on the center screen, after pressing this key the 
screens should be displaying desktops  (1, 3, 2)
- if the focus was originally on the right screen, after pressing this key the 
screens should be displaying desktops (3, 2, 1) [ie, it "rolls over"]

Finally, I was wondering if there is a way to obtain (for use in a script/Unity 
app indicator) information on which desktops are currently being displayed on 
each physical screen. xmonad had a dynamicLogXinerama logHook that would 
continuously print which workspaces were being displayed to stdout. How can I 
get this information with awesome?



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