On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, David Chaplin-Loebell wrote:

> So...
> How are people turning information from SQL databases into XML for AxKit?
> I'm thinking the best way to do this would be to use a provider.  Has
> anyone done this yet?
> My concept is that a generic provider could take the rows returned by DBI
> and parse them into XML.
> So a query like:  SELECT id, name FROM foo
> which returns:
> id name
> -- ----
> 1  fish
> 2  cat
> would come out of the provider like so
> <foo>
>  <id>1</id>
>  <name>fish</name>
> </foo>
> <foo>
>  <id>1</id>
>  <name>fish</name>
> </foo>
> Has anyone already written this provider?  Am I on the right track in
> assuming this would be how to do it?

It's one way to do it. I personally haven't used the provider method (see
the Wiki for how I did it), because I feel it lacks flexibility. It was
originally meant as a publishing layer, and I'm not entirely sure it's
powerful enough for building web apps (whereas writing a plain perl module
and interfacing to it with XSP is), but that doesn't mean its the wrong
way to do it.

<!-- Matt -->
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