Thanks for answer,

I'm trying to catch POST requests for my special forms in same module, that generates 
it (Provider class)

But for some files I wish to generate forms over XSP (actually I use there

So... I tried to do (this provider assigned to '\.xxx$' file extension...):

### in sub process ()
if ($r->method() eq 'POST') {
  if ($self->{file} =~ /\.xsp\.xxx$/) {
        ### NOTE 1 BELOW
        Apache::AxKit::Language::XSP->handler($r, $self);
        my $xml = $r->pnotes('dom_tree')->toString;
  } else { file... 
  ## all post requests ended by a redirect 
  ## to new step or to error page
  ## I dislike to output content by a POST reqs

###... GET statements here

#### NOTE 1
###  I also did there $r->method('GET'); to disable
###  loops if will call $xml->process() anywhen
###  in future


Is it ok for Axkit logic?

This works ok so far....


On Mon, 03 Feb 2003 18:13:03 +0100
Robin Berjon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Alex Sergeyev wrote:
> > Could I run XSP processing from Provider?
> > 
> > I using now: file->provider->cont'd...
> > But I need: file->XSL->XSP->provider->cont'd...
> > 
> > Probably I'm thinking by a wrong way.
> What is the problem you're trying to solve? Maybe I don't
> understand what you're trying to do, but it does look like a
> not-so-optimal solution. Can you please explain a little
> further?
> -- 
> Robin Berjon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Research Engineer, Expway
> 7FC0 6F5F D864 EFB8 08CE  8E74 58E6 D5DB 4889 2488

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