On Thu, 23 Dec 2004 16:11:08 EST, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> In a message dated 12/23/2004 1:28:02 PM Central Standard Time,
> One answer would be that any religion worth its salt will tap into
> something deep and long-lasting about the human condition and won't be
> just subject to moral fads which go up and down like hemlines.
> The human condition, spiritual realities are more fundamental than
> technology or changes in social organization.
> Again, I agree. However, I would point out that IF the purpose of the
> covenant of God is to create an ever advancing civilization (the Kingdom of
> God on Earth) then the essence of the individual quandry can find expression
> in no other venue than how he relates to the rest of humanity - and that is
> society. Remember Baha`u'llah forbids forswearing the world and leading a
> hermetic life. We are born of mankind and cannot withdraw from the society
> of mankind.
> Regards,
> Scott__________________________________________________ 

I'm not sure how your comments fit in. I don't think I've ever claimed
one should withdraw from mankind. I think the problem of how an
individual relates to the people around them is a fairly constant
feature. Human beings live in groups and have to learn how to "play
well with others"



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"My people are hydroponic"

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