David Friedman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Susan,The story in Matthew certainly implies that
Jesus would have been a celebrity from the time He was born. Herod knew all
about the wise men visiting Jesus, so surely others would have gone to see
Jesus. He would have been a celebrity at the start of His Prophetic career.
He wasn't.

There is a lot of surfacing evidence to suggest the idea that - to the Magi - "star" does not neccesarily mean a solar body, but rather a Zodaiacal event - conjunctions, eclipses, a star of planet or combination of such bodies in association with a particular house of the Zodiac.
However, I would point out that your concept of "celebrity" and the nature of public knowledge, media! , and notoriety in ancient times has nothing to do with the modern concept of "celebrity". There were no scandal rags, printing presses, or papparazzi in those days. Also between the birth of Christ and the beginnings of His ministry thirty years elapsed. Even in a modern sense celebrity fades quickly, and there were no newspaper and magazine "dead files" or internet to research an individual as He rises to public notice.

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As human beings, we are endowed with freedom of choice, and we cannot shuffle off our responsibility upon the shoulders of God or nature. We must shoulder it ourselves. It is our responsibility.
Arnold J. Toynbee
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