The Baha'i Studies Listserv
> I am going to ask you one more time not to post material here which
> attacks the Faith.

Dear Stephen,

I apologize for my harsh tone here. I now realize that you are a new
believer who lives in an area where there are few Baha'is. It seems
most of your information has come from the internet and you are not
yet deepened enough to know which are valid sources and which are not.
Understand that some of the material you have posted her is a little
like posting Nazi propaganda on a Jewish list.

You have to be *very* careful with the internet. I strongly urge you
to read Baha'u'llah's Writings for yourself, texts like the Kitab-i

If you do have questions regarding the material you have read on the
internet feel free to present them here, but ask your own questions,
don't indiscriminately post the anti-Baha'i material. If Baha'is want
to read that stuff, they can find it for themselves, but it is not the
reason they come to a list such as this.

warmest, Susan

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