Makasyiihh sekali ya...mbak-e...:)
btw, dpt dr mana nih... kok komphlit gitu...?? 

-----Original Message-----
From: Listyarini Hikmaningrum [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2003 2:27 PM
Subject: RE: [balita-anda] Radang otak Ensevalitis vs Demam typhoid

mbak indah  salah satu beda encephalitis dengan demam typhoid  adalah klo
encephalitis disebabkan oleh Virus sedangkan demam typhoid (typhoid fever)
disebabkan oleh Bakteri Salmonella Typhi.

mengenai tanda2 dari encephalitis dan demam typhoid 
untuk lebih spesifiknya ini dia ( mahaff lagi2 b. inggris..):

Signs and Symptoms
In milder cases of encephalitis there is usually fever, headache, poor
appetite, loss of energy, or just a general sick feeling. 

In more severe cases of encephalitis, a person is more likely to experience
high fever, severe headache, nausea and vomiting, stiff neck, pupils of
different sizes, confusion, disorientation, personality changes, convulsions
(seizures), problems with speech or hearing, hallucinations, double vision,
difficulty moving an arm or leg, involuntary movements, difficulty walking,
loss of sensation in some part of the body, memory loss, drowsiness, and
coma. There is sometimes a convulsion, or a series of convulsions, at the
start of the illness. 

In infants it's harder to detect some of these symptoms, but there are still
some important signs to look for, including vomiting, a full or bulging soft
spot (fontanel), crying that doesn't stop or that seems worse when an infant
is picked up or handled in some way, or body stiffness.


Typhoid fever is a life-threatening illness caused by the bacteria
Salmonella typhi. The illness causes sustained fever, headache, malaise,
anorexia, relative bradycardia (slow heart rate), constipation or diarrhea,
and nonproductive cough. 

klo ada artikel lain yang lebih lengkap rekans BA bisa di-share disini...

mamanya Salsa&Rafi

-----Original Message-----
From: Indah Hapsari Dewi 

Apa bedanya dengan demam tifoid ? Mohon penjelasannya agar kita dapat
mengetahui dan mencegah lebih awal

Ibunya Dhika

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