maf mba, ga ditulis karena anak tsb ngga ngikuti ajaran agama rasanya deh,
yang punya mba Intan mungkin hasil editan?:
On this photo a 18-year old young man who died in one of hospitals of
Oman. The corpse of the boy has been dug out from a tomb in 3 hours after
his funeral under the insisting of his father. The boy died in hospital
and has been buried under the Islamic law and on the same day after
obligatory ablution of the body. However after funeral the father has
doubted of the diagnosis of doctors and wanted to identify the true reason
of his death...

Thanks & Best Regards,
Rahman Gunawan

"intan dima" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 05/16/2006 11:32:54 AM:

> gw punya cerita ttg "torture in a tomb"
> gak tau kisanh nyata ato nggak, abisnya versi bule ...

> cerita ttg anak yg gak ngikutin ajaran agamanya... saat 3 jam setelah
> penguburan, kuburannya dibongkar lagi, dan jenazahnya jadi mengerikan
> huhuhuhuhu ada gamabrnya booooo

> ada yg mau liat? japri aja yeeeeeeeeeeee

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