Dear mbak lita,

turut berduka cita atas kepergian sahabatnya. moga diterima amal ibadahnya
di sisi Allah swt, yang ditinggalkan tabah, terutama Raffi..

btw, emboli itu intinya ada pembentukan gelembung udara atau masuknya benda
asing di aliran darah yang menyebabkan aliran darah tersumbat.


Definition of Emboli

Emboli: Something that travels through the bloodstream, lodges in a blood
vessel and blocks it. Examples of emboli are a detached blood clot, a clump
of bacteria, and foreign material such as air.

Pulmonary emboli are blood clots that have been carried through the blood
into the pulmonary artery (the main blood vessel from the heart to the lung)
or one of its branches, plugging that vessel.

Emboli is the plural of embolus, a word that comes from the Greek "embolos"
meaning a wedge or plug. "Embolos" was derived from "en" (in) + "ballein"
(to throw) so emboli are something thrown in.

On 7/31/06, Hestiwulan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Turut berduka cita ya mbak..... semoga di terima di sisi Tuhan YME dan
keluarga diberi ketabahan menghadapi cobaan ini....

Saya juga pernah mengalami bilghted ovum dua kali. Waktu yg pertama usia
kandungannya kira2 udah 3 bln, yg kedua usianya kira2 udah 2 bln. Keduanya
juga dikuret.

Mbak emboli apa ya?


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