Dear Mba Tika,

Berikut ada artikel tentang SSPE dari Manila Times magazines

Saturday, April 20, 2002
What is SSPE? 
A progressive, degenerative disease in children is catching many mothers unaware 
It is a virus that results from the simple and preventable childhood measles, called 
Subacute Sclerosing Pancephalitis or SSPE.  If untreated, SSPE can lead to stupor, 
dementia, central blindness, rigidity and death.  SSPE has an incubation period of 
seven years and the virus lives in the body.  And it attacks mostly male children. 

The SSPE Children Care Foundation raised sufficient funds to take care of one patient, 
Benjamin Raypon of San Pedro, Laguna, 17 years old and a bread earner of a poor 
family, with SSPE Stage II-B.  Dr. Thaddeus Jose B. Bayana, Resident in Charge at the 
Pediatrics Neuro Section of the Philippine General Hospital, recommended him on Feb. 
14, 2002 for assistance on IVIG transfusion.  He received 36 vials from the 

Benjamin's illness first manifested itself when he started getting dizzy, sliding and 
then falling last October 2001.  He was feverish for three weeks after which his head 
began bobbing up and down uncontrollably.  When brought to PGH in November from San 
Pedro, Laguna, he was diagnosed to have SSPE.  But for lack of money to have the boy 
treated, they returned to Laguna.  On Feb. 10, 2002, the boy was again brought to PGH 
because he was stiffening and jerking.  This time, the mother begged the doctors to 
help save her son's life. 

Luckily, the SSPE Children Care Foundation had the funds to help Benjamin and he was 
soon able to undergo IVIG Immunoglobulin transfusion.  With several prescriptions in 
tow, Benjamin headed for home after the IVIG treatment.  A journalist gifted him with 
a wheelchair; otherwise, his stepfather, mother and a brother would have had to carry 
him in their arms to board a Laguna-bound bus. 

SSPE can be very frustrating yet this disease is completely preventable.  As 
mentioned, SSPE is a complication of recurring measles infection.  If we prevent the 
child from getting measles it would mean protecting the child from SSPE.  In the 
Philippines, measles vaccine is routinely given to babies nine to 12 months, and given 
for free as part of the government's immunization program.  It was noted that measles 
vaccine res-ponse of younger children under one year of age appear to be less complete 
because of the presence of the mother's antibodies.  Thus, a booster dose is required 
six to nine months later or 15 months of age or older.  EPI (Expanded Immunization 
Program) no longer covers the booster dose.  Perhaps this is one reason why measles 
manages to creep in spite of the government's effort.  The required second dose given 
at age four to six or 11 to 12 and the recommended booster dose for age 15 months can 
be addressed by immunizing the child with another dose of measles vaccine, preferably 
a trivalent vaccine of mumps, measles and rubella, especially when administered at 12 
months and older, because not only that the child is given routinely recommended 
second dose for measles but also the child is provided with optimal protection for 
mumps and rubella as well. 

According to the Department of Health figures, measles remains a leading cause of 
death among children in the Philippines.  As mothers and the SSPE Children Care 
Foundation are finding out, it is also a mother's wellspring of grief, lamentation and 
despair.  But the Foundation is working hard, hand in hand with caring doctors and 
concerned and generous donors, to cap this source of affliction and nip SSPE in the 
bud, by beginning a serious information drive on the deadly after effects of measles.  

SSPE is a lifetime disease and there are currently 12 patients in the PGH list waiting 
for assistance for IVIG. Generous donors may contribute Intravenous Immunoglobulin or 
IVIG vials that can be purchased through Vizcarra Pharmaceutical.  Cash donations may 
be deposited at the SSPE Children Care Foundation Current Account 0291-0369-96 and 
Dollar Savings Account 0294-0271-49, both at the BPI Forbes Park branch or e-mail 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 522-1905, 522-5185 or 89.  The foundation works closely with 
PGH doctors headed by Dr. Aida M. Salonga, chair, Section of Pediatric Neurology, 
Department of Neuro Sciences, UP-PGH, Taft. 

        -----Original Message-----
        From:   Tika [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Sent:   15 Agustus 2003 11:20
        To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject:        Re: [balita-anda] VIRUS SSPE yang menyerang OTAK?

        Menurut hasil EEG, anaknya terkena SSPE, yang menyebabkan kemunduran
        berpikir. kepanjangan dari SSPE itu sendiri saya juga tidak jelas. Mungkin
        dari rekanē yang lain ada yang bisa memberikan masukan?????
        ----- Original Message -----
        From: "DWIE" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 10:36 AM
        Subject: Re: [balita-anda] VIRUS SSPM yang menyerang OTAK?

        > mbak tika virus SSPM itu apa ya ???? soalnya anaknya tante saya yang
        > berumur 4 bulan kemarin waktu kedokter dibilang mengalami keterbelakangan
        > otak ....
        > saya sendiri belum tahu kejelasannya, soalnya belum ketemu lngsung dg
        > saya itu, baru mendengar dari mama saya ... ada hubungannya nggak ya ....
        > ????
        > maaf ya mbak, bukannya membantu ... tapi jadi ikutan nanya ....
        > thanks.......
        > Rgrds,
        > Aldi's mother
        > ----- Original Message -----
        > From: "Tika" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
        > Sent: Friday, August 15, 2003 10:44 AM
        > Subject: [balita-anda] VIRUS SSPM yang menyerang OTAK?
        > > Dear all,
        > > Teman saya mempunyai anak yang terkena virus SSPM yang menyerang otak.
        > > ada dari rekan-rekan yang tahu tentang virus ini? Bagaimana terkenanya,
        > cara
        > > penyembuhannya? Apa memang benar harus dioperasi?
        > > Tolong donk bagi infonya karena teman saya lagi kebingungan dan stress
        > > mikirin penyakit anaknya dan sangat memerlukan masukan-masukan ttg
        > penyakit
        > > ini..
        > > Terima kasih sebelumnya.
        > >
        > >
        > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
        > >
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        > >
        > >
        > >
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