Halo Bapanya Elza , 
Ini saya copikan tentang mantoux test :

The Mantoux skin test 
   Disclaimer: This fact/info sheet is for education purposes only. Please consult 
with your doctor or other health professional to make sure this information is right 
for [you or] your child. 
The Mantoux skin test is used to see if a person has been infected with the bacteria 
that causes tuberculosis (TB). This test is given by an injection under the skin, 
usually in the left arm. [Your or] Your child’s doctor may have asked for a test to be 
done in both arms. 
Results of the test 
A positive reaction is measured by the size of the lump (induration) that forms where 
the injection was put into the arm. This lump occurs over the next two to three days. 
[you or] Your child may have a positive skin test reaction if they: 
   have had tuberculosis before and have been cured 
   have been exposed to the tuberculosis bacteria or have been immunised for 
tuberculosis (BCG) 
   have tuberculosis. 

A negative result may actually be incorrect (false negative) if your child is: 
   taking medicine to lower your immunity eg. steroids or chemotherapy drugs 
   has a viral illness eg. measles, mumps or rubella 
   has recently been vaccinated with live viruses 
   is very sick. 

After the test 
If [you or] your child has a Mantoux test, you will need to come back in three days to 
have the result of the test checked. Scratching the test site will cause an infection, 
so it is best not to touch it. Bandaids, bandages and ointments can affect the test 
results, so it is important to keep the skin clear and uncovered (long sleeves and 
jumpers [sweaters] can be worn). If [you or] your child gets blisters around the spot 
where the injection was given, do not break them. 
[you or] Your child may do all normal daily activities eg. playing sports, having a 
shower, going to school. If you know you have had a positive Mantoux test before or 
have been immunised for TB please let the person doing the test know. If you have any 
questions ask the person who is doing the test. 
   A positive result does not necessarily mean you have tuberculosis. 
   If you are worried about the test after you leave, please [consult your doctor or 

Kalo enggak salah inget , kalo mantoux tesnya positif..+/- 2 atau 4mm diameter 
lingkarannya9(cmiiw)...bcgnya enggak usah diulang (cmiiw).

Ririen (bundanya Adib)

"Stg->" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Terima kasih atas penjelasannya, kalau boleh saya 
tahu Test Mantoux itu
apaan yah..

Bapa'E Zalfa

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