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-----Original Message-----
Subject: Is your child spoiled?

Is your child spoiled?
Four ways to know
by Jan Faull
Q: I am a single mother of a four-year-old girl. Recently quite a few
people have made the comment that my child is spoiled. They say I give
in to her and baby her too much. Could it be that by worrying so much
about not being a good enough mom I may have gone overboard? I know that
I give in to her often, but after hearing her whine and cry I can only
take so much.

Am I raising a spoiled child? If so, what can I do about it now? I love
my child, but maybe I have loved her too much.

A: Here's a checklist for identifying a spoiled child:

* Is your child overindulged? When you're out shopping, if she sees a
Barbie doll she must have, do you buy it if even though she already has

* Does she demand center stage? When a group of friends or family
gather, does she interrupt and insist everyone focus attention on her?

* Can she delay gratification? If she asks for a cookie and you tell her
she must wait until after dinner, does she whine and plead? Do you end
up giving in?

* Does she follow through with her responsibilities? When it's time to
put her blocks away, does she throw a temper tantrum so you end up
completing the job for her?

If you answer "yes" to these questions, you might be raising a "spoiled
child," but it's not too late to remedy the affliction.

When your daughter demands a new Barbie doll, tell her, "I know you
really want her, she is beautiful. You wish you could have a new Barbie
every day, but you can't. You can cry, whine and beg, but I'm not going
to buy it."

When your child draws attention to herself, move toward her, touch her,
allow her a little recognition, but if she goes on and on, direct her
onto another activity or out of the room.

If she frequently interrupts, see that she waits at least one minute
before you'll turn your attention to her. Say, "I know you have
something important to say, but you must wait one minute until Grandma
finishes talking." Ignore any antics that might follow.

If she whines and pleads for that one extra cookie, stick by your "no."
When she learns to gracefully manage herself when you deny her every
whim, she builds her character. When she refuses to put her blocks away,
insist that she follow through. You can help, and be sure to compliment
any feeble attempt at first, but see that she does some of it.

Most important, please don't equate indulgence, attention, instant
gratification and no responsibilities to love. Proceed confidently
knowing that by helping her reduce her spoiled tendencies, you're
parenting in her best interest. You've got your work cut out for you
right now, but it will pay off in the long run. Soon you'll have a
better behaved and more enjoyable child.

Jan Faull, a child-development and behavior specialist, is the author of
the recently published Unplugging Power Struggles as well as Mommy! I
Have to Go Potty!, a guide to toilet training. Faull lives with her
husband and three children in Renton, Washington.

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