Iya...kasih Sanmol (isinya parasetamol) syrup.
Kalo proris kan ibuprofen pada beberapa kondisi gak disarankan terutama
dalam kondisi dehidrasi (mencret, muntah etc), karena ibuprofen meningkatkan
aliran darah ke ginjal....Sumber:

Nonetheless, there are certain conditions in which ibuprofen has a possible
risk of serious side effects. Probably the most common scenario is when the
child is dehydrated. Fever associated with vomiting and diarrhea is a common
illness during childhood. Ibuprofen tends to decrease blood flow to the
kidneys. When a child is mildly dehydrated from the vomiting and diarrhea,
the blood flow to the kidney is also decreased. Add the ibuprofen, and this
could cause significant problems. Therefore, anytime there is concern of
dehydration in the child, the parent should think twice before giving
ibuprofen. Other chronic medical conditions, particularly aspirin allergy,
may also limit the use of ibuprofen.

Mama Nayma

On 2/20/07, rosa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

panadol aja, mbak..

kalo proris..kt dokter anakku bisa kena ke maag (?CMIIW)..jadi mual

----- Original Message -----
From: "Nining Achdiana" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <balita-anda@balita-anda.com>
Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 11:51 AM
Subject: [balita-anda] Tumbuh Gigi

> Parents
> Mo tanya anakku demam krn mo tumbuh gigi geraham. Demamnya sih tidak
> terlalu, timbul tenggelam. Tapi rewel sekali. Umurnya 1 tahun 3 bln. Aku
> pernah baca di milis ini juga jangan dikasih Proris karena agak keras
> obatnya. Baiknya diberi obat apa ya untuk membantu meredakan sakitnya.
> Terima kasih banyak informasinya.
> Regards
> Nining

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