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Organize IT » Advice on organized and productive living through lifehacks and GTD

March 26th, 2007

Clutter 101: How To De-Clutter

Welcome to the second part of my Clutter 101 series. For the purposes of this article I am going to assume you are doing a big de-clutter of your entire environment (I will mention at the end of the post about how to do mini de-clutter seessions after you are on top of everything). As such you will be dealing with a rather large project so its wise to break it down. Take one room at a time and within each room decide the key points that need a de-clutter. For instance the bedroom could have the wardrobe, drawers and under the bed itself to deal with. Take each of these sections and do them fully and do all the sections in that one room before moving onto the next. De-cluttering sometimes means making more mess initially as you dig everything out so its wise to only have one room in this state at a time.

Make sure you don’t choose too long a timescale to complete your de-clutter as stuff will continue to come into your life; by the time you complete one area, you may have to work on previous areas again. If your environment isn’t ready and organized enough to recieve it then your de-clutter problem will not get resolved.

Make sure you have the special de-clutter tools in place. Have large rubbish bags next to you, have a sweeping brush and dustcloths and any other washing tools you might think you will need; things will be dirty and dusty. If you are sat on the floor surrounded by boxes, papers and various other junk, the last thing you need to do is go get yourself a plastic bag.

Now you have to just jump in. Don’t be cautious, pessimistic or afraid to make a mess of your rooms with this. Relish being in at the deep end. Seeing those rubbish/recycle bags fill up is very satisfying. Remember, you are working on individual sections of each room so things won’t get overwhelming.

Take everything out of the area you are working on and start again, with a clean slate. Take each item at a time and decide quickly what you intend to do with it. Its almost a natural approach to keep stuff so make the decision before that thought process takes over. Recap the reasons we keep clutter as mentioned in the previous post in this series:

    * It was a gift/present
    * It’s expensive/it cost me a lot of money
    * I might be able to sell it on someday
    * It might come in useful one day
    * I would feel guilty throwing away so much stuff
    * I don’t have time
    * I can’t be bothered

If you don’t need it, bin it in those plastic bags you have handy, or put it in a seperate pile for recyling/giving away. Otherwise return it back to where it came from neatly or put it in new places (having cleaned these areas first) if you have found new/more efficient areas to store things. De-cluttering isn’t just about the clutter, it’s about managing what’s left over more effectively and very often with a big de-cluttering exerise like this you will find that you have created so much extra space you can afford to rethink where you were originally storing everything. A prime example was how I was able to break down all the clutter in a chest of drawers to 2 drawers (from 5). I binned the chest and placed the two drawers at the bottom of the wardrobe. I created more space and used existing space more efficiently.

Remember to designate a place for everything and have everything in its place (and note, items can share the same space). Without this you will buy/recieve something and then wonder where to put it. More often than not, you will end up dumping it somewhere. Then you will do the same with the next item to come in and before you know it you have this big dumping ground.

However, to avoid the temptation of taking things too literally and end up buying hundreds of storage devices and name each one for every possible item you could ever own, it’s quite likely that you will get stuff that doesn’t have places for it. This is where I have specially defined miscellaneous drawers. If an item doesn’t seem to fit anywhere and you are sure you will need it then place it in these. Do not think of it as a dumping area however. In a de-clutter environment there is no such thing! Treat them like you would other areas and regularly work through them.

Magazines, papers, bills etc; I tend to find that this is what mostly gets binned. All those receipts dumped at the bottom of pockets, the spam mail that comes through the letter boxes etc. If you think it could be interesting for a later date create a reference folder/file and store the bare minimum part you need (tear the page out or rip the relevent chunk from the rest of the content). As much as its useful to have such reference materials stored efficiently, generally we will rarely refer to them so it makes sense to store the bare minimum. There is a small thing called the internet which you can refer to instead :)

Bills and other financial papers are tricky. There is no real consensus on how long you should hold onto them. Either way, you should have a well organized system for storing these too, rather like with reference material. That way they take up less space and they are more managable. Nowadays a lot of companies offer online bills. If you want to cut down the amount of stuff that comes through your letter box or you want to limit how much you have to file away this can be a useful option.

Anything financially tied to you or papers that contain your name, address, etc should be shredded or destroyed if you don’t need them. Shredders are very cheap and almost essential with all the fraud there is nowadays.

After all that effort stick with it! Remember the benefits of having a more relaxing environment where you can find everything, having more space and knowing what you actually own. After you have de-cluttered and organized everything neatly, the first thing to go will be that neatness if you don’t stick with it. All it takes is one lazy afternoon where you just throw your clothes into the cupboard, leave some papers on the table rather than shredding them or knock over some toiletries in the bathroom and not pick them up. A drawer here, a box there, it all makes a big difference.

Remember, you’ve done the hard part. Any mini de-cluttering you do from now on will be easy. As you do your usual cleaning each day/week choose one of those individual areas and have a quick check for anything you can get rid of. And, as stuff comes in put it away neatly! View it as though you are optimizing your environment. How can you best manage the stuff you own so that there is less of it, it uses space better and it’s out of the way?

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