kucoba ya... jalum aja barangkali yang lain ada yang
butuh juga... mudah2an berkenan..

Dear All,

With regret I am hereby tendering my resignation from
PT. XYZ effective on -dd-month-year. 

As I feel, that I have a true good friends and
colleagues, here who have been there for me during my
time in PT. XYZ. 

Please accept my sincere apology for I have made
mistakes to you in the past. 

And from the bottom of my heart I want to say thank
you to all of you, for your helps and assistance,

It was a great experience and again thanks to PT. XYZ
for giving me the opportunity, 

please do not take this email as a “farewell email”, I
hope we will still keep in touch and give each other
news. I wish I could personally pass my gratitude to
each of you.

Last, let me offer my best wishes for your success. 


Kind regards,


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Pagiii...semua..
> mintol dunk..
> temen aku butuh surat perpisahan, ucapan selamat
> tinggal /fare well ma 
> temen2 kantor (via email)  gitu deh...tapi in
> english..
> ada yg punya ngga? japri dunk klo ada...
> maacih..
> sefty

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