tengkyu so much mbak Uci & mbak Lif
berguna sekali informasi ini, karena selama ini ada pandangan di masyarakat
kalau anak lagi batpil or lagi anget gak boleh imunisasi
makasih banget yah sudah menghilangkan anggapan tersebut
mudah2an ini juga berguna bagi moms yang lain

At 11:13 AM 7/16/2007 +0700, you wrote:
batukpilek, badan anget bukan halangan utk imunsasi
ini deh aku ada artikel

Subject: kapan imunisasi ditunda



Tulisan ini bahan buku imunisasi yg diambil dari
berbagai sumber, WHO, AAP, IDAI

Indikasi kontra imunisasi.

Pada dasarnya, sedikit sekali kondisi yang menyebabkan
imunisasi harus ditunda. Pilek, batuk, suhu sedikit
meningkat, bukan halangan untuk imunisasi.

Beberapa kondisi di bawah ini BUKAN HALANGAN UNTUK

- Gangguan saluran napas atas atau gangguan saluran
cerna ringan
- Riwayat efek samping imunisasi dalam keluarga.
- Riwayat kejang dalam keluarga.
- Riwayat kejang demam
- Riwayat penyakit infeksi terdahulu
- Kontak dengan penderita suatu penyakit infeksi
- Kelainan saraf menetap seperti palsi serebral,
sindrom Down
- Eksim dan kelainan lokal di kulit
- Penyakit kronis (jantung, paru, penyakit metabolik)
- Terapi antibiotika; terapi steroid topikal (terapi
lokal, kulit,
- Riwayat kuning pada masa neonatus atau beberapa hari
setelah lahir
- Berat lahir rendah
- Ibu si anak sedang hamil
- Usia anak melebihi usia rekomendasi imunisasi

Kondisi dimana imunisasi tidak dapat diberikan atau
imunisasi boleh ditunda:
- Sakit berat dan akut; Demam tinggi;
-  Reaksi alergi yang berat atau reaksi anafilaktik;

- Bila anak menderita gangguan sistem imun berat
(sedang menjalani terapi steroid jangka lama, HIV)
tidak boleh diberi vaksin hidup (polio oral,MMR, BCG,
cacar air).
- Alergi terhadap telur, hindari imunisasi influenza


Reasons to delay vaccination
v      Acute illness: if a child is suffering from any
acute febrile
illness, postpone immunization until the child has
fully recovered. Minor
infections without fever or systemic upset are not
reasons to postpone

v      Adverse reaction to vaccine: vaccines should
not be given to
those who have had: a confirmed anaphylactic reaction
to a previous dose
of the same vaccine. Diphtheria containing vaccines
should not be given
if there is a confirmed anaphylactic reaction to
neomycin, streptomycin
or polymyxin B (which may be present in trace

v      Untreated malignant disease or altered
immunity: those receiving
immunosuppressive or X-ray therapy or high-dose
Malignant conditions of the reticulo-endothelial
system such as lymphoma,
leukaemia, or Hodgkin's disease, and where the normal
mechanism may be impaired.

v      Children who have received another live
vaccine, including
Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine (BCG), within 3
weeks: do not give measles,
mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine within 3 months of an
injection of

v      Pregnancy should be avoided for 1 month after
MMR vaccine, as
for rubella vaccine. Although there is no information
to suggest that
tetanus, diphtheria, or meningococcal C vaccination is
unsafe during
pregnancy, do not use unless there is a high risk of
the individual
developing the disease. Do not offer BCG to women who
are pregnant or who are
breastfeeding, unless it is thought that they are at
high risk of
catching TB.

v      Tuberculin positive: BCG vaccine should not be
administered to
individuals who are tuberculin-positive (that is, an
induration of 5 mm
or greater in diameter in the Mantoux test, or a Heaf
grade 2 to 4).

Where there is doubt, seek appropriate advice from a
paediatrician, District Immunization Coordinator or
Consultant in Communicable
Disease Control, rather than withholding vaccine.

NOT contraindications to vaccination

The following are not reasons to delay or avoid

v       A personal or family history of allergy not
related to one of
the vaccine components.

v       A family history of any adverse reactions

v       A stable neurological condition such as
cerebral palsy, Down's
syndrome, or spina bifida.

v       Previous history of pertussis, measles,
rubella or mumps

v       Prematurity: immunization should not be

v       Contact with an infectious disease.

v       Asthma, eczema, hay fever, or 'snuffles'.

v       Treatment with antibiotics or locally acting
(e.g. topical or
inhaled) corticosteroids.

v       Child's mother is pregnant.

v       Child being breastfed.

v       History of jaundice after birth.

v       Under a certain weight for child's age.

v       Over the age recommended in the immunization
schedule. (There
is currently no pertussis-containing vaccine licensed
for immunization
in children age 7 years or older.)

v       Family history of convulsions. Immunization
should be carried
out after advice on the prevention of pyrexia has been

v       Surgery is not a contraindication to
immunization, nor is
recent immunization a contraindication to anaesthesia
or surgery.

v       HIV-positive: most vaccines in the childhood
programme are suitable for people who are
HIV-positive. In areas where the
risk of contracting tuberculosis and HIV is high, the
World Health
Organization states that it may be appropriate to
vaccinate asymptomatic
HIV-positive people. However, the Joint Committee on
Vaccination and
Immunization advises that BCG should not be
administered to individuals
infected with HIV.

--- Ning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> tenkyu mbak uci, mudah2an bisa imunisasi full sesuai
> jadual imunisasinya
> tapi kalo sedang batuk (badan gak anget) boleh gak
> di imunisasi ?
> At 10:33 AM 7/16/2007 +0700, you wrote:
> >mbak Ning..
> >klo dokternya mau simultan skalian bisa aja.. jadi
> >suntiknya
> >-DPT-HiB 1 (pake vaksin combo)
> >-hepatitis B 3
> >- tetes polio..
> >
> >tapi klo DSAnya ga mau ya yg DPT-hiB1 n polio 1
> dulu
> >ntar beberapa saat kemudian yg hep B3..
> >
> >met imunisasi yaa
> >
> >
> >--- Ning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > > betul mbak Lif, yg 2 bln (Polio 1, DPT 1 dan
> HiB1),
> > > maksud dobel yaitu sekarang
> > > kan dah bulan ke3 jadi nanti pas imunisasinya
> minta
> > > yg bulan ke2 aja apa
> > > digabung
> > > juga dengan yg bulan ke3 (hepatitis 3) ?
> > >
> > > ok deh untuk yang anakku 2,3th nanti aku tanya
> ke
> > > dsanya gmn teknisnya

Uci mamaKavin+Ija

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