wah wah... mba Santy lagi hamil toh... selamat yaaa....
brp bulan skrng?

On 2/15/08, Santy Dianlestari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Thanks loh atas semua infonya..ternyata mahal juga ya...
> Sebenernya sih yang pengeen emaknye..bukan anaknya..eh..untuk calon anak
> juga kali ya..
> Abis ..lagi ga pengin makan nasi..pas kemaren makan nasi jepang..rasanya
> ga mual..
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> sender immediately.
> PT.INDONESIA POWER is subsidiary of PT. PLN PERSERO which operates in
> power generating business. Through its 130 power plants, with a total
> capacity of 8,872 MW, PT.INDONESIA POWER has contributed significantly to
> the Java Bali interconnection system electricity supply. PT.INDONESIAPOWER 
> operates through its eight generating Business Unit (GBU) : Suralaya,
> Priok, Saguling, Kamojang, Mrica, Semarang, Perak Grati, Bali and one
> maintenance Services business unit (MSBU).
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Beli tanaman hias, http://www.toekangkeboen.com
> Info balita: http://www.balita-anda.com
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