kalau masalah simpan menyimpan, cobain dah di simpan di freezer dg pakai
tuppleware, jauuuuh lebih awet dr pd pake kotak merk lion star. Saya udah
nyobain sendiri. Jadi sekarang semua barang yg dikulkas saya simpan pake
tuppleware. Mahal sih......tp prinsip 'duit nggak bisa boong' mah absolutely
correct !

BTW, gue bukan agen tupleware.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sylvia Radjawane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 16, 2003 4:19 PM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Ikan Salmon

> Idem dengan mbak Lystin, saya juga ingin tahu info tentang lamanya
penyimpanan ikan yang belum dimasak.  Jovan suka sekali menu dengan ikan.
> Tentang artikel 'kandungan merkuri' pada ikan, kebetulan pagi ini saya
dapat kiriman artikel dari teman. Sebetulnya saya tanya ke dia tentang
pengolahan ikan untuk varasi makanan bayi, eh... malah di-reply dengan
artikel ini plus catatan bahwa anaknya belum pernah diperkenalkan menu
menggunakan bahan ikan  :)
> Saya lampirkan di sini untuk yang ingin baca ...
> cheers,
> Jovan's mum
>  -------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------Brits cautioned about
canned tuna
> Last Updated Tue, 25 Feb 2003 12:00:08
> LONDON - British authorities are advising pregnant women and mothers who
breast feed to limit their consumption of canned tuna.
> The UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) says mercury found in tuna could pose a
hazard because the mother could pass the mercury to her child.
>    FROM May 6, 1999: Warning issued about mercury in turna
> The FSA says there's a small risk to unborn children and babies because
mercury can harm their nervous system. It advises these women to eat no more
than two medium size (140 g) cans of tuna a week - the equivalent of six
tuna sandwiches or three tuna salads per week.
> The advice does not apply to children or adults.
> The British agency has already warned consumers about the dangers of
mercury in fresh fish, especially shark, swordfish and marlin.
>    FROM May 28, 2001: Gourmet fish exempt from mercury testing
> This is the first time any government has sent out warnings about canned
> Health Canada sends out yearly warnings about eating too much fresh tuna,
shark and swordfish and recommends consumers:
>    should limit consumption of fresh and frozen fish to once a week
>    pregnant women, women of child-bearing age and young children should
eat the fish no more than once a month
> The department says canned tuna is not a concern because it's made from
younger tuna which means the mercury hasn't had time to accumulate in its
fatty tissue.
>    FROM May 29, 2002: Too much mercury in tuna, swordfish: Health Canada
> The latest advice from Britain follows a review of FSA's study on mercury
levels in fish by the Committee on Toxicity. It found the amount of mercury
in tuna was near the limit it sets for pregnant and breastfeeding women and
those considering having a baby.
> "This will help protect the unborn child and the developing breastfed
baby," says Dr. Andrew Wadge, director of food safety at the FSA.
> The FSA says people should consider eating other fish such as cod, plaice,
haddock, mackerel, herring, sardine, trout or salmon. Predatory fish species
have higher levels than non- predatory fish.
> Mercury can attack the nervous system. It accumulates in the body and can
affect fetal development, cause blindness and other birth defects. High
levels of mercury can cause blurry vision, lack of co-ordination and slurred
> Written by CBC News Online staff
> "Lystin Y.Agustian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> btw, ngomong-2 ikan salmon, dan teman-2 nya....
> khan biasanya tuh di jual dalam potongan-2 yg agak besar, nah sedangkan
> untuk konsumsi anak sekali makan paling khan gak banyak...
> nah kira-2 brapa lama kita boleh menyimpan ikan-2 tersebut terutama yg
> di rebus atau kukus ?
> trus lagi berapa lama juga untuk yg belum di masak ?
> thx for info nya
> ---------------------------------
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