setau aku.. fingerprint berubah tapi polanya ngga berubah... jadi yg
diteliti itu pola-nya, jadi diambil blueprint-nya gitu klo ga salah deh.. eh
bentar ni aku copy paste FAQ-nya aja... aku minta yg perusahaan singapur
mbak, soalnya yg perusahaan di indonesia agak2 meragukan hehehe

*Q1. What is 
*Q2. Why Dermatoglyphics
*Q3. How accurate is
*Q4. What the difference between Palmistry and
*Q5. What does Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Assessment mean to
parents and 
*Q6. How does Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Assessment improve one's

*Q1. What is Dermatoglyphics? *

*Dermatoglyphics refers to the branch of science in the study of the
patterns of skins (dermal) ridges present on the fingers, palms, toes and
the soles of human. It reveals the congenital links between our fingerprints
and our intrinsic qualities and talents. *

*Dermatoglyphics is coined by Professor Harold Cummins in the 20th century.

*Since 1920s, there have been numerous research papers published in the
study of Dermatoglyphics in the medical field, especially in relation to
some genetically-linked diseases.*

*Dermatoglyphics has absolute scientific basis, with 200 years of research.
It is analyzed and proven with evidence in anthropology, genetics, medicine
and statistics.*

*In recent years, U.S., Japan and Taiwan have applied Dermatoglyphics to
educational fields, human resource management, employee recruitment, etc. *

*Typically there are three basic fingerprint patterns, namely the arch,
loops and whorls. The remaining are variations arising from these 3 basic
patterns. *

*Q2. Why Dermatoglyphics ?** *

*Fingerprint patterns are unique and are heavily influenced by one's genetic
make-up. In 1892, an anthropologist, Francis Galton discovered that
fingerprints are individually unique and will never change throughout one's
entire lifetime. It has been shown that our fingerprints are closely related
to the development of our nervous system. In other words, dermatoglyphics
can reveal one's intelligence. Traditionally, IQ is used as a means to
quantify a person's level of intelligence. In recent times, it is realised
that man's intelligence is multiple, and everyone has different kinds of
intelligence. Dr Howard Gardner introduced in his book, Frames of Mind, that
man has at least eight intelligences - namely, interpersonal, intrapersonal,
spatial-visual, logical-mathematics, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, linguistic
and naturalist intelligences. As each person's genetic make-up is different,
so is his intelligence. *

*It is through Dermatoglyphics that one can uncover one's congenital
intelligence, character traits and discover one's hidden potential. *


*Q3. How accurate is Dermatoglyphics? *

*Our fingerprints are determined by our DNA and they have a direct
co-relation to how our brain's makeup.*

*At the 13th week of an embryo in the womb, skin ridges which cannot be
changed in one's lifetime begin to appear and are complete until the
24thweek; this is in tandem with the embryo's brain development.

*There is a very high degree of accuracy of analysis outcome. The importance
is that it only requires the subject's fingerprints, without further
intervention. This avoids any inaccuracy introduced as a result of
intellectual and emotional maturity, language skills, etc that is typically
present in other means of intelligence and learning style analysis. *



*Q4. What the difference between Palmistry and Dermatoglyphics? *

*Palmistry or Chiromancy is the divination and interpretation of the concave
furrows of our palms to explain personalities & divine futures of each
person's life. The lines of the palms are impermanent and will change over
time. *

*Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Assessment is the science of
comparing, analyzing, and qualifying the patterns of skins and ridge count
of each person's fingerprints. The analysis does not tell one's future, but
rather gives a comprehensive insight into one's congenital intelligence
distributions, potential, preferred learning style and main
communication-learning style.*

*Skin ridges cannot be changed in one's lifetime. They begin to appear and
develop from the 13th week to the 24th week when the embryo is developing in
their mother's womb; in tandem with the brain development of the baby.*


*Q5. What does Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Assessment mean to
parents and educators? *

*Fingerprints are our life blueprint. It defines our genetic character,
congenital potential and intrinsic dominant intelligence and preferred
learning style. *

*Uncovering a child's congenital potential will allow parents/educators to
correctly plan a child's education and learning. *

*As parents and educators we need to interact, raise and educate children
with values. However this is not an easy task as each child has his own
personality. Despite the thousands of self-help books available there is no
single method that works for all. So, how would we know which is the best
method for the child? *

*This is where Dermatoglyphics can help. Through Dermatoglyphics, we can
understand each child's personality, thoughts and hidden potential. In doing
so, we can then raise and educate them in accordance with their unique

*For example, if the child is a cognitive learner, he or she emphasises on
the quality and accuracy of the information given. If the child is an
affective learner, he or she needs more encouragement and praise to support
their confidence in learning. For a reflective learner, repetition and
patience are the keys. And so, the list goes on for other learning styles. *

*With dermatoglyphics, we can easily understand each child and cultivate
them according to their individual differences, build upon their inherent
talents, and help to overcome their weaknesses. Our expectations are thus
more grounded and we can then expect parent-child communication to improve
and finally yielding a better relationship. *



*Q6. How does Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Assessment improve one's
life? *

*Through the assessment, we can reveal the following: *

*• Our intrinsic self-management style *

*• Our dominant intelligence *

*• Our thinking approach*

*• Our preferred learning style and communication-learning style. *

*Our fingerprints reveal to us what we need and how we learn, transforming
our lives through a holistic education approach.*

2008/4/24 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Mbak Eva,
> Menarik ya Mbak test DMI nya. Saya mohon informasi apakah fingerprint anak
> tidak akan berubah sampai dia besar? sebab barusan diskusi dengan teman2
> di
> kantor, banyak yang bilang fingerprint bisa berubah seiring perkembangan
> anak.
> Mohon pencerahannya Mbak.
> tike
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Info tanaman hias:
> Info balita:
> Peraturan milis, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> menghubungi admin, email ke: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Evariny Andriana

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