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 Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis Introduction

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) — which causes joint inflammation for at
least six weeks in children 16 years old or younger — is the most common
type of childhood arthritis. In most cases, symptoms of juvenile rheumatoid
arthritis may fade after several months or years.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis can be complicated. There are several types of
juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, classified based on the joints affected,
symptoms and test results.

Treatment of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis focuses on preserving physical
activity to maintain full joint movement and strength, preventing damage and
controlling pain.
Signs and symptoms

If you're a parent or caretaker, watch for signs and symptoms of juvenile
rheumatoid arthritis, particularly in young children.

Symptoms depend upon the category of JRA, and the main categories of JRA

   - *Pauciarticular JRA.* This affects four or fewer joints — typically
   larger joints, such as the knees. This is the most common form of JRA.
   - *Polyarticular JRA.* This affects five or more joints — typically small
   joints, such as those in the hands and feet. Polyarticular JRA often affects
   the same joint on both sides of a child's body.
   - *Systemic JRA.* Also known as Still's disease, systemic JRA affects
   many areas of the body, including joints and internal organs. This is the
   least common form of JRA.

Signs and symptoms of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis may include:

   - *Joint swelling, with pain and stiffness.* This may be more pronounced
   in the morning or after a nap. Commonly it affects the knees and the joints
   in the hands and feet. Children may complain of pain, or you might notice
   them limping.
   - *Fever and rash.* These can be associated with many medical conditions,
   but if they're persistent, they may signal systemic JRA. Fever and rash
   caused by systemic JRA may appear and disappear quickly.
   - *Swelling of lymph nodes.* This sign may occur in children with
   systemic JRA.
   - *Eye inflammation.* This problem, which occurs mostly in children with
   pauciarticular JRA, initially produces no signs or symptoms in most of those
   affected. Routine eye examinations are recommended because eye inflammation
   may result in blindness.

Like other forms of arthritis, JRA is characterized by times when symptoms
are present (flares) and times when symptoms disappear (remissions).
CLICK TO ENLARGE  [image: Illustration of immune

Doctors believe that juvenile rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune
disorder. This means that the body's immune system attacks its own cells and
tissues. It's unknown why this happens, but both heredity and environment
seem to play a role.

It may be that a virus or bacterium triggers the development of juvenile
rheumatoid arthritis in children with certain genetic profiles. These
genetic profiles are detected in some children with juvenile rheumatoid
arthritis and are considered genetic markers for juvenile rheumatoid
arthritis. However, not all children with the markers develop juvenile
rheumatoid arthritis, and children without the markers can develop the
When to seek medical advice

Take your child to your primary care doctor if your child:

   - Shows signs of joint swelling, stiffness or pain
   - Limps for no obvious reason

Also, if your child has a fever of 102 F that persists for longer than two
or three days, take him or her to the doctor. A fever that signals juvenile
rheumatoid arthritis may come and go one or two times during a day and last
a few hours each time. It's frequently noted in the afternoons or evenings.

*After a diagnosis *
If your child has received a diagnosis of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis,
take him or her to your doctor regularly to monitor the development of the
disease and its treatment.

Children with pauciarticular JRA need regular screening for eye
inflammation. A child diagnosed before age 7 with pauciarticular arthritis
should have his or her eyes checked every three months if a blood test shows
the child is anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) positive. Anti-nuclear antibodies
are proteins generally found in people who have connective tissue or
autoimmune disorders, such as arthritis.

If your child is ANA negative, your doctor will recommend an eye screening
schedule based on your child's risk of developing eye problems.
Screening and diagnosis

If your pediatrician or family doctor suspects that your child has juvenile
rheumatoid arthritis, he or she will refer you to a doctor who specializes
in arthritis (rheumatologist) to confirm the diagnosis and for treatment.

The diagnosis of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis usually begins with a medical
history and a physical examination. Diagnostic tests may include:


   *Blood tests.* These may include an erythrocyte sedimentation (sed) rate
   test. Sedimentation rate is the speed at which your red blood cells settle
   to the bottom of a tube. An elevated rate can indicate inflammation.
   Measuring the sed rate may be used to rule out other conditions, to help
   classify the type of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis and to determine the
   degree of inflammation.

   Another blood test looks for antibodies in your child's blood. Whether
   your child has anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) and rheumatoid factor in his or
   her blood can help the doctor to determine the type of arthritis.
   Anti-nuclear antibodies are proteins commonly produced by the immune systems
   of people with certain autoimmune diseases, including arthritis. Rheumatoid
   factor is an antibody commonly found in the blood of people with rheumatoid
   arthritis. In many children with JRA, no significant abnormality will be
   found in these blood tests.
   - *Imaging.* X-rays may be taken to exclude other conditions, such as
   fractures, tumors, infection and congenital defects. X-rays may also be used
   from time to time after the diagnosis to monitor bone development and to
   detect joint damage.
   - *Joint fluid removal.* The doctor may remove some fluid from your
   child's swollen joint. This can relieve pain and can help the doctor to
   identify the cause of the arthritis.


Several serious complications can result from juvenile rheumatoid arthritis.
But keeping a careful watch on your child's condition and seeking
appropriate medical attention can greatly reduce the risk of these

   - *Eye inflammation.* Eye diseases such as iritis (inflammation of the
   iris) may occur in children with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, especially
   children with pauciarticular arthritis. Initially, this eye condition may
   occur without symptoms, so it's important for children with juvenile
   rheumatoid arthritis to be examined regularly by a medical doctor who
   specializes in eye care (ophthalmologist). Work with your doctor to
   determine the best eye screening schedule for your child. Untreated eye
   inflammation can result in cataracts, calcium deposition in the cornea,
   glaucoma and, ultimately, blindness.
   - *Growth interference.* Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis can interfere with
   the development of your child's bones and growth. Some medications used to
   treat JRA, mainly corticosteroids, also can inhibit growth.


Treatment for juvenile rheumatoid arthritis focuses on helping your child
maintain a normal level of physical and social activity. To accomplish this,
doctors may use a combination of strategies to relieve pain and swelling,
maintain full movement and strength, and prevent complications.

For some children pain relievers may be the only medication needed. Others
may need help from medications designed to limit the progression of the
disease. Typical medications used include:

   - *Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).* These medications,
   such as ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others) and naproxen (Aleve, Naprosyn),
   reduce pain and swelling. Because children can develop side effects such as
   bleeding and liver and stomach problems, be sure to use these medications
   under a doctor's supervision.

   *Celecoxib (Celebrex).* This drug is part of a class of NSAIDs known as
   COX-2 inhibitors, which are believed to be gentler on the stomach. The Food
   and Drug Administration has approved celecoxib for children age 2 and older
   with JRA. Celecoxib hasn't been studied in children younger than 2 and in
   those with the systemic form of the disease.

   Side effects may include cough, cold, upper respiratory tract infection,
   abdominal pain, headache, fever, nausea, diarrhea and vomiting. COX-2
   inhibitors have been found to increase the risk of heart problems in adults.
   Studies are being conducted to determine whether celecoxib increases heart
   risks in children.

   *Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs).* Doctors use these
   medications when NSAIDs alone fail to relieve symptoms of joint pain and
   swelling. They may be taken in combination with NSAIDs and are used to slow
   the progress of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Commonly used DMARDs for
   children include methotrexate (Rheumatrex) and sulfasalazine (Azulfidine).

   Side effects of methotrexate may include nausea, mouth sores and liver
   problems. Methotrexate may also lower the number of white blood cells in
   your blood, leading to an increased risk of infection. Side effects of
   sulfasalazine may include gastrointestinal problems, such as nausea,
   vomiting and diarrhea, as well as headache and sore throat.

   *Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) blockers.* These biologic response modifiers
   block an immune system protein called tumor necrosis factor, which acts as
   an inflammatory agent in some types of arthritis. By targeting this protein,
   TNF blockers can help reduce pain, morning stiffness and swollen joints. Two
   TNF blockers used for treating JRA are etanercept (Enbrel) and infliximab

   Some people experience side effects during or shortly after these drugs
   are injected, including chest pain, dizziness and difficulty breathing, as
   well as redness, itching and swelling at the injection site. Additional side
   effects of biologic response modifiers may include abdominal pain, headache,
   respiratory infections such as tuberculosis, and other infections. These
   medications may also increase your risk of demyelinating disorders,
   conditions that damage the protective covering (myelin sheath) that
   surrounds nerves in your brain and spinal cord.
   - *Corticosteroids.* These prescription medications are for children with
   more severe juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. They're used to control symptoms
   until a DMARD takes effect or to prevent complications, such as inflammation
   of the sac around the heart (pericarditis). Corticosteroids, such as
   prednisone, may be administered by mouth or by injection. But they can
   interfere with normal growth and increase susceptibility to infection, and
   generally should be used for the shortest possible duration. Stopping
   long-term use of corticosteroids suddenly can be dangerous, so it's
   important to follow a doctor's instructions on usage.

Your doctor may recommend that your child work with a physical therapist to
help keep joints flexible and maintain range of motion and muscle tone. A
physical therapist or an occupational therapist may make additional
recommendations regarding the best exercise and protective sports equipment
for your child. A therapist may also recommend that your child make use of
special supports or splints to help protect joints and keep them in a good
functional position.

Caregivers can help children learn self-care techniques that help limit the
effects of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Techniques include:

   - *Getting regular exercise.* Exercise is important because it promotes
   both muscle strength and joint flexibility. Swimming is an excellent choice
   because it places minimal stress on joints.
   - *Applying cold or heat.* Stiffness affects many children with juvenile
   rheumatoid arthritis, particularly in the morning. Although some children
   respond well to cold packs, most children prefer a hot pack or a hot bath or

   *Eating well.* Some children with arthritis have poor appetites. Others
   may gain excess weight due to medications or physical inactivity. A
   well-balanced diet can help maintain an appropriate body weight.

   Adequate calcium in the diet is important because children with juvenile
   rheumatoid arthritis are at risk of developing osteoporosis due to the
   disease, the use of corticosteroids, and decreased physical activity and
   weight bearing.

Coping skills

Family members can play critical roles in helping a child cope with juvenile
rheumatoid arthritis. As a parent, you may want to try the following:

   - *Don't set your child apart. *Treat your child, as much as possible,
   like other children in your family.
   - *Allow your child to express anger* about having juvenile rheumatoid
   arthritis. Explain that JRA isn't caused by anything he or she did.
   - *Encourage your child *to participate in physical activities, keeping
   in mind the recommendations of your child's doctor and physical therapist.

   *Work with your child's teachers* and school administrators to make any
   necessary modifications in his or her schedule or responsibilities.

   These modifications may include giving your child extra time to move from
   class to class, providing him or her with an extra set of textbooks so that
   these books won't need to be carried home, and making arrangements for
   assignments to be sent home when your child misses school because of his or
   her condition.

*Connecting with others*
Also think about how you can cope with the challenges of raising a child who
has juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Connecting with other parents in similar
circumstances and tapping into community resources may help.

The Arthritis Foundation has a council called the American Juvenile
Arthritis Organization (AJAO), devoted to serving the special needs of
children with arthritis and their families. The organization sponsors
support groups and conferences.

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