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Mamanya Dafi

Acetaminophen is a medicine used to relieve pain and
reduce fever.

Acetaminophen is used to relieve many kinds of minor
aches and pains--headaches, muscle aches, backaches,
toothaches, menstrual cramps, arthritis, and the aches
and pains that often accompany colds.

This drug is available without a prescription.
Acetaminophen--or APAP--is sold under various brand
names, including Tylenol, Panadol, Aspirin Free
Anacin, and Bayer Select Maximum Strength Headache
Pain Relief Formula. Many multi-symptom cold, flu, and
sinus medicines also contain acetaminophen. Check the
ingredients listed on the container to see if
acetaminophen is included in the product.

Studies have shown that acetaminophen relieves pain
and reduces fever about as well as aspirin. But
differences between these two common drugs exist.
Acetaminophen is less likely than aspirin to irritate
the stomach. However, unlike aspirin, acetaminophen
does not reduce the redness, stiffness, or swelling
that accompany arthritis.

Recommended dosage 
The usual dosage for adults and children age 12 and
over is 325-650 mg every 4- 6 hours as needed. No more
than 4 grams (4000 mg) should be taken in 24 hours.
Because the drug can potentially harm the liver,
people who drink alcohol in large quantities should
take considerably less acetaminophen and possibly
should avoid the drug completely.

For children ages 6-11 years, the usual dose is
150-300 mg, three to four times a day. Check with a
physician for dosages for children under age 6 years.

Never take more than the recommended dosage of
acetaminophen unless told to do so by a physician or

Patients should not use acetaminophen for more than 10
days to relieve pain (5 days for children) or for more
than 3 days to reduce fever, unless directed to do so
by a physician. If symptoms do not go away--or if they
get worse--contact a physician. Anyone who drinks
three or more alcoholic beverages a day should check
with a physician before using this drug and should
never take more than the recommended dosage. A risk of
liver damage exists from combining large amounts of
alcohol and acetaminophen. People who already have
kidney or liver disease or liver infections should
also consult with a physician before using the drug.
So should women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Smoking cigarettes may interfere with the
effectiveness of acetaminophen. Smokers may need to
take higher doses of the medicine, but should not take
more than the recommended daily dosage unless told by
a physician to do so. 
Many drugs can interact with one another. Consult a
physician or pharmacist before combining acetaminophen
with any other medicine. Do not use two different
acetaminophen-containing products at the same time.

Acetaminophen interferes with the results of some
medical tests. Before having medical tests done, check
to see whether taking acetaminophen will affect the
results. Avoiding the drug for a few days before the
tests may be necessary.

Side effects 
Acetaminophen causes few side effects. The most common
one is lightheadedness. Some people may experience
trembling and pain in the side or the lower back.
Allergic reactions do occur in some people, but they
are rare. Anyone who develops symptoms such as a rash,
swelling, or difficulty breathing after taking
acetaminophen should stop taking the drug and get
immediate medical attention. Other rare side effects
include yellow skin or eyes, unusual bleeding or
bruising, weakness, fatigue, bloody or black stools,
bloody or cloudy urine, and a sudden decrease in the
amount of urine.

Overdoses of acetaminophen may cause nausea, vomiting,
sweating, and exhaustion. Very large overdoses can
cause liver damage. In case of an overdose, get
immediate medical attention.

Acetaminophen may interact with a variety of other
medicines. When this happens, the effects of one or
both of the drugs may change or the risk of side
effects may be greater. Among the drugs that may
interact with acetaminophen are alcohol, nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as Motrin, oral
contraceptives, the antiseizure drug phenytoin
(Dilantin), the blood-thinning drug warfarin
(Coumadin), the cholesterol-lowering drug
cholestyramine (Questran), the antibiotic Isoniazid,
and zidovudine (Retrovir, AZT). Check with a physician
or pharmacist before combining acetaminophen with any
other prescription or nonprescription
(over-the-counter) medicine.
---------from ehendrick.org---------

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi Moms, 
> Aku mo tanya nih, sebenernya apa sih bedanya
> acetamenofen (sorry kalo  misspelled) en
> paracetamol? Apakah dua2nya merupakan bagian dari
> antibotik? Dan sebaiknya mana yang lebih cocok utk
> dikonsumsi buat bayi?
> Thanks for the info,
> Widi 

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