Baby Language: Dunstan baby DVD 

Dunstan Baby Language allows you to hear what your baby's cries mean.
Eight years of research has unlocked a language shared by all babies
throughout the world. In the same way that all of us laugh, sneeze, or
hiccup using the same sound regardless of the language we speak or our
race, similarly babies use sounds, produced by their body in response
to a physical need.

The system works by identifying 5 key
sounds, or "words" your baby will make in the pre-cry stage (before
your baby's crying becomes hysterical).For example, a hungry baby will
say the word "neh" in the pre-cry stage. The sooner you identify those
needs and respond appropriately, in this case by feeding your baby, the
less your baby will cry.

These sounds or "words" form the basis
of the Dunstan Baby Language. They have meaning and your role is very
simple - just listen to your baby and address their need."

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