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--- On Wed, 4/3/09, santi tambunan <s4nt...@gmail.com> wrote:
From: santi tambunan <s4nt...@gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Baby 4 months, hangat+batpil boleh imun HIB II?
To: balita-anda@balita-anda.com
Date: Wednesday, 4 March, 2009, 4:54 PM

Pak Arief,  polio udh ke3, barengan dengan dpt. ini hib yg kedua. hib yg kedua 
kurleb 1 bln yll.    On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 4:12 PM, Arief Hidayat 
<arief.merp...@gmail.com>wrote:  > bu santi.. > kalo liat jadwal imunisasi 
thn2004 > umur 4 bln seharusnya selain imunisasi hib juga polio ke3 dan DPT > 
apakah dpt dan polionya memang mundur 1 bln dr hib ??? > menjawab pertanyaan 
ibu sebaiknya tidak diundir karena batpil dan panas > hangat bukan alasan 
menunda imunisasi > > berikut jawaban di milis sebelah dan jawaban ibu lif apa 
saja yang bisa > menunda imunisasi : > > Dari milis sehat jawaban Bp. Samsul 
tgl Thu, 9 Nov 2006 10:48:16 +0700 > > Subject:Re: [sehat] Sharing Tentang DSA 
& Need Info Soal Imunisasi > > >  2. *Syarat apa yg membuat bayi tidak boleh 
mendapatkan imunisasi? * > > >  v Acute illness: if a child is suffering from 
any acute febrile > > illness, postpone immunization until the child has fully 
recovered. > > Minor infections without fever or
 systemic upset are not reasons to > > postpone immunization. > > >  v Adverse 
reaction to vaccine: vaccines should not be given to > > those who have had: a 
confirmed anaphylactic reaction to a previous dose > > of the same vaccine. 
Diphtheria containing vaccines should not be given > > if there is a confirmed 
anaphylactic reaction to neomycin, streptomycin > > or polymyxin B (which may 
be present in trace amounts). > > >  v Untreated malignant disease or altered 
immunity: those > > receiving immunosuppressive or X-ray therapy or high-dose 
corticosteroids. > > Malignant conditions of the reticulo-endothelial system 
such as lymphoma, > > leukaemia, or Hodgkin's disease, and where the normal 
immunological > > mechanism may be impaired. > > >  v Children who have 
received another live vaccine, including > > Bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccine 
(BCG), within 3 weeks: do not give > > measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) 
vaccine within 3 months of an injection > of
 > > > immunoglobulin. > > >  v Pregnancy should be avoided for 1 month after 
 > > > MMR vaccine, as > > for rubella vaccine. Although there is no 
 > > > information to suggest that > > tetanus, diphtheria, or meningococcal C 
 > > > vaccination is unsafe during > > pregnancy, do not use unless there is a 
 > > > high risk of the individual > > developing the disease. Do not offer BCG 
 > > > to women who are pregnant or who > are > > breastfeeding, unless it is 
 > > > thought that they are at high risk of > > catching TB. > > >  v 
 > > > Tuberculin positive: BCG vaccine should not be administered to > > 
 > > > individuals who are tuberculin-positive (that is, an induration of 5 mm 
 > > > > > or greater in diameter in the Mantoux test, or a Heaf grade 2 to 4). 
 > > > > > > Jawaban ibu Lif rahayu tgl 27/10/08 > > *KAPAN IMUNISASI DITUNDA* 
 > > > > > Tulisan ini bahan buku imunisasi yg diambil dari berbagai sumber, 
 > > > WHO, AAP, > IDAI > > Indikasi kontra imunisasi. > Pada dasarnya, sedikit 
 > > > sekali kondisi yang menyebabkan imunisasi harus
 > ditunda. Pilek, batuk, suhu sedikit meningkat, bukan halangan untuk > 
 > imunisasi. > > Beberapa kondisi di bawah ini bukan halangan untuk imunisasi: 
 > > > - Gangguan saluran napas atas atau gangguan saluran cerna ringan > > - 
 > Riwayat efek samping imunisasi dalam keluarga. > > - Riwayat kejang dalam 
 > keluarga. > > - Riwayat kejang demam > > - Riwayat penyakit infeksi 
 > terdahulu > > - Kontak dengan penderita suatu penyakit infeksi > > - 
 > Kelainan saraf menetap seperti palsi serebral, sindrom Down > > - Eksim dan 
 > kelainan lokal di kulit > > - Penyakit kronis (jantung, paru, penyakit 
 > metabolik) > > - Terapi antibiotika; terapi steroid topikal (terapi lokal, 
 > kulit, mata) > > - Riwayat kuning pada masa neonatus atau beberapa hari 
 > setelah lahir > > - Berat lahir rendah > > - Ibu si anak sedang hamil > > - 
 > Usia anak melebihi usia rekomendasi imunisasi > > Kondisi dimana imunisasi 
 > tidak dapat diberikan atau imunisasi boleh > ditunda: > > - Sakit berat dan 
 > akut; Demam
 tinggi; > > - Reaksi alergi yang berat atau reaksi anafilaktik; > > - Bila 
anak menderita gangguan sistem imun berat (sedang menjalani terapi > steroid 
jangka lama, HIV) tidak boleh diberi vaksin hidup (polio oral, > MMR, BCG, > 
cacar air). > > - Alergi terhadap telur, hindari imunisasi influenza > > 
Mudah2an bisa menjawab, > Arief H > > > > > 2009/3/4 santi tambunan 
<s4nt...@gmail.com> > > > Boleh gak moms/dads..? > > baru hr kemarin sore 
badannya hangat, jadwal imun sabtu ini.. jd ragu2 > apa > > lebih baik 
ditunda?? > > trus obatnya apa yah utk baby 4 months yg batpil..? > > > > 
Thanks > > Santi > > > 

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