Mbak Gita,

Minta variasi yg lain aja mbak bukan yg 5 in 1.
Kalau gak salah ada yg 2 in 1 atau 3 in 1.
Coba diskusikan dg dokter anaknya di sana.
Terbuka aja mbak ke dokternya. Kita kan patient yg berarti client (aktif)
patient yg patience (pasif).
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Semoga membantu.


----- Original Message -----
From: Dr. Wati
To: Sehat
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 12:04 PM
Subject: [sehat] imunisasi

Dear all yg tanya soal imunisasi

1. Imunisasi di negara maju selalu diberikan dalam bentuk kombinasi (ada
merk2 tertentu yg menggabungkan DPT, HiB, Polio: bahkan ada yg menggabungkan
DPT, polio, HiB dan HepB)
Itu semua menunjukkan bahwa pemberian sekaligus - justru dianjurkan karena:
semakin cepat bayi kita terlindungi, semakin baik
alam kita ini penuh dg antigen (virus dan kuman, berjuta2, setiap hari kita
terpapar, dan tdk menyebabkan kerugian pada kita krn sistem imun kita di
desain Tuhan utk dapat menampung dan merespons paparan yg bertubi2 tsb

2. Pemberian secara simultan bersamaan sdh terbukti tdk merugikan bayi, dari
berbagai aspek bahkan menguntungkan krn mengurangi angka kunjungan ke dokter
Pasien saya selesai imunisasi semuanya usia 6 bulan krn saya selalu
memberikan imunisasi secara simultan (contoh, usia 6 bln saya berikan, DPT
dan Hib di paha kiri dan kanan, polio oral, dan hep B di lengan atas)
Kalau mau dipisah boleh saja tetapi secara medis aman memberikan bersamaan
(pemisahan jadinya semata2 alasan emosional org tua hehehe tapi saya suka
guyon, nanti dokter wati kaya lho ibu mondar mandir berobat terus)

3. IPV polio yg disuntikkan
Ikut nanti ceramah imunisasi hehehe

4. Tdk ada sebetulnya kondisi yg benar2 merupakan contraindication
imunisasi, kecuali suhu > 38C
batuk pilek bukan halangan utk imunisasi
kan bisa krn alergi kalau gak ada demam

semoga membantu

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Title: GlaxoSmithKline - Vaccines & Recommendations - General Recommendations
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  General Recommendations  

Immunization schedules
Recommendations for 'high risk' groups
Contraindications and false contraindications
Spacing and simultaneous vaccine administration
Vaccine interchangeability

Spacing and Simultaneous vaccine administration

The general principles for spacing and simultaneous administration of vaccines are as follows:

  • attention should be paid to the recommended minimum interval between subsequent vaccine doses (Table 2); decreasing the recommended minimum interval may negatively interfere with antibody response and protection
  • increasing the recommended interval between subsequent vaccine doses does not diminish the effectiveness of the vaccine
  • there is no need to restart the series of any vaccine due to extended intervals: the series should be completed as soon as possible but not restarted (exception: oral typhoid vaccine should be given as recommended)
  • there are no contraindications to simultaneous administration of any vaccines, vaccines should be administered at different body sites; in the U.S., simultaneous administration of cholera and yellow fever vaccine is not recommended (due to decreased antibody response), the vaccines should be separated by at least 3 weeks
  • if various vaccines are not given simultaneously, the recommendations regarding spacing are as follows:
    - interval between two different live vaccines should be 4 weeks;
    - no interval is recommended between different inactivated/toxoid/subunit vaccines or between live and inactivated/toxoid/subunit vaccines
The general principles for intervals between the receipt of antibody-containing blood products and vaccines are as follows:
  • inactivated/toxoid vaccines generally are not affected by circulating antibody to the antigen included in the vaccine
  • live vaccines may be affected by circulating antibody to the vaccine virus, therefore: when a vaccine has been administered first, wait 2 weeks before administer an antibody-containing blood product; when an antibody-containing blood product has been administered first, wait at least 3 months before administering a live vaccine.
DTP/DT/DTaP 4 weeks 4 weeks 6 months
Haemophilus influenzae (Hib) 4 weeks 4 weeks  
Hepatitis A 6 months    
Hepatitis B 4 weeks 8 weeks  
Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) 4 weeks    
Pneumococcal Vaccine, conjugated 4 weeks 4 weeks  
Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine 5 years    
Poliomyelitis (IPV) 4 weeks 4 weeks  
Poliomyelitis (OPV) 4 weeks 4 weeks  
Varicella 4 weeks    
Table 2 - Minimum interval between subsequent vaccine doses, by vaccine type*
* for combination vaccines not included in the table, the minimum interval between doses is equal to the greatest interval of any of the individual antigens
(Adapted from Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). General recommendations on Immunization. Morbid Mortal Wkly Rep 2002;51(RR-2). [5]
Vaccine Interchangeability

Vaccines from different manufacturers might contain different antigens/antigen contents or different stabilizers or preservatives. Available data indicate that different hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and Hib conjugate vaccines are interchangeable within their respective primary series. In the absence of a clear serologic correlate of protection for pertussis, the relevance of limited data regarding the immunogenicity of different DTaP vaccines used in primary series is unknown. Therefore it is recommended preferably to use the same brand of DTaP vaccine (or combination vaccine based on DTaP) for all doses of the primary series. However, an immunization series should not be interrupted because the brand of a previous doses is unknown or not available. [5]
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