Istirahat banyak aja, mbak.
No medicine is needed. Pertama, karena virus toh gak ada obatnya kecuali
sistem imun kita sendiri yg bisa melawannya. Kedua, efek sampingnya justru
lebih banyak.
Apalagi antibiotik. Sayang kan minum antibiotik saat gak diperlukan, nanti
malah kumannya resisten semua.

Semoga cepat sembuh.

Mamanya Alyssa
Colds and Flu During Pregnancy

Because your immune system is affected during pregnancy, cold symptoms may
hang around longer than usual. A stuffy nose is very common in pregnancy
because of hormonal effects on the nasal passages. The following measures
may help to your cold a little more bearable:

1.  Drink eight to 10 glasses of water each day.
2.  If you can't stomach a big meal, try six small meals instead of three
regular size meals.
3.  Get plenty of rest.
4.  Elevating your head and torso helps you breathe easier as well as
stopping post nasal drip.
5.  Use a steamer and/or humidifier to help moisten your nasal passages.
You can also drape a towel over your head and shoulders over a pan of
steaming water.
6.  For sinus trouble apply warm compresses to help alleviate the congestion.
7.  No medication especially if you are less than 12 weeks pregnant, or
more than 38 weeks.

Runny Nose (with green or yellow mucus) Know When Antibiotics Work

Your child has a runny nose. This is a normal part of what happens during
the common cold and as it gets better. Here are some facts about colds and
runny noses.

What causes a runny nose during a cold?
When germs that cause colds first infect the nose
and sinuses, the nose makes clear mucus. This
helps wash the germs from the nose and sinuses.
After two or three days, the body’s immune cells
fight back, changing the mucus to a white or
yellow color. As the bacteria that live in the nose
grow back, they may also be found in the mucus,
which changes the mucus to a greenish color.
This is normal and does not mean your child
needs an antibiotic.

What should I do?
• The best treatment is to wait and watch your
child. Runny nose, cough, and symptoms
like fever, headache, and muscle aches may be
bothersome, but antibiotics will not make
them go away any faster.
• Some people find that using a cool mist
vaporizer or using saltwater nose drops makes
their child feel better.

Are antibiotics ever needed for a runny nose?
NO ! Taking antibiotics when they are not needed can
be harmful. Each time someone takes antibiotics,
they are more likely to carry resistant germs in
their noses and throats. These resistant germs
cannot be killed by common antibiotics. Your
child may need more costly antibiotics,
antibiotics given by needle, or may even need to
be in the hospital to get antibiotics. Since a
runny nose almost always gets better on its own,
it is better to wait and take antibiotics only when
they are needed.

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