Hi all,
Sebagai tambahan info tentang ASI eksklusif 6 bulan vs ASI eksklusif 4-6 bulan + PASI, 
saya kutip sebagian artikel "WHO - Expert Consultation on the Optimal Duration of 
Exclusive Breastfeeding - Geneva 28-30 March 2001", khusus pada bagian 'Recommendation 
for Practice".  
Uraian lengkapnya bisa di-browse di http://www.who.int/inf-pr-2001/en/note2001-07.html
The Expert Consultation recommends exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months, with 
introduction of complementary foods and continued breastfeeding thereafter. This 
recommendation applies to populations. The Expert Consultation recognizes that some 
mothers will be unable to, or choose not to, follow this recommendation. These mothers 
should also be supported to optimize their infants’ nutrition.

The proportion of infants exclusively breastfed at 6 months can be maximized if 
potential problems are addressed:

   The nutritional status of pregnant and lactating mothers. 
   Micronutrient status of infants living in areas with high prevalence of 
deficiencies such as iron, zinc, and vitamin A. 
   The routine primary health care of individual infants, including assessment of 
growth and of clinical signs of micronutrient deficiencies. 

The Expert Consultation also recognizes the need for complementary feeding at 6 months 
of age and recommends the introduction of nutritionally adequate, safe and appropriate 
complementary foods, in conjunction with continued breastfeeding.

The Expert Consultation recognizes that exclusive breastfeeding to 6 months is still 
infrequent. However, it also notes that there have been substantial increases over 
time in several countries, particularly where lactation support is available. A 
prerequisite to the implementation of these recommendations is the provision of 
adequate social and nutritional support to lactating women.


Ada poin menarik dari artikel tsb., bahwa para moms selain didorong untuk bisa ikutan 
program ASI eksklusif 6 bulan, juga sangat perlu memperhatikan asupan gizi dan nutrisi 
selama kehamilan, yang nantinya sangat erat berhubungan dengan kecukupan ASI untuk 
kegiatan laktasi selama 6 bulan pertama kehidupan bayinya. Karena hasil dari riset 
mereka, tidak bisa dikesampingkan adanya fakta bahwa bayi yang mendapat ASI eksklusif 
hingga 6 bulan pertama pun mengalami gangguan pertumbuhan dan kurang gizi, khususnya 
bayi yang hidup dalam populasi dengan maternal malnutrition yang parah.


Sylvia - Jovan's mum

Kristianti Dewi Joris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Pak Alam,

terus terang saya nggak punya data yang lengkap mengenai bukti bahwa bayi yang 
mendapatkan ASI eksklusif selama 6 bulan hasilnya lebih cerdas dari bayi yang hanya 
mendapatkan ASI eksklusif selama 4 bulan. Yang bisa saya lakukan untuk bapak hanya 
mencuplikkan artikel dari AAP mengenai ASI.

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