Kalo ini mungkin lebih komplit ...he..he..kayak jamu aja
Bunda Dyo
1. IMHO: in my humble/honest opinion 

2. FYI: for your information 

3. BTW: by the way

4. GTG: Got to Go

5. WB: Welcome Back

6. LoL: Laughing Out Loud

7. ROFL: Rolling On the Floor Laughing

8. ASL: Age, Sex, Location

9. OIC: Oh I See

10. BRB: Be Right Back

11. FAQ: Frequent Ask Questions

12. NP: Now Playing

13. OOT: Out Of Topic

14. HTH: Hope This Help

15. OOP: Out Of Print

16. Japri: Jalur Pribadi

17. Milis: Mailing List

18. Re: Reply

19: Fwd: Forward

20. ASAP: As Soon As Possible

21. 2: to

22. b: be

23 AFAIK: as far as i know

24. AKA: also known as

25. ATM: at the moment

26. B4: before

27. CFV: call for votes

28. FWIW: for what it's worth

29. FYA: for your amusement

30. GA: go ahead

31. HHOJ: ha ha only joking

32. HHOK: ha ha only kidding

33. HHOS: ha ha only serious

34. IAE: in any event

35. IDK: i don't know

36. IMO:in my opinion

37. IMNSHO: in my not so humble opinion

38. IMNERHO: in my not even remotely humble opinion

39. IOW: in other words

40. IRL: in real life

41. IYKWIM: if you know what i mean

42. JK: just kidding

43. L8R: later

44. OTOH: on the other hand

44. OTTH: on the third hand

45. RFC: request for comment

46. RFD: request for discussion

47. RSN: real soon now

48. TIA: thanks in advance

49. TNX: thanks

50. WRT: With regard/respect to

51. WYSIWYG: what you see is what you get

52. YMMV: your mileage may vary

53. YMMVG: your mileage may vary greatly

54. CMIIW: correct me if i'am wrong

55. FYEO : for your eyes only



Kombinasi karakter-karakter untuk menggambarkan emosi penulisnya (emoticon):


:-)  Senyum

;-) Senyum sambil mengedip

:<})  Senyuman pria berkumis

:-||  Marah

:-(  Sedih

:' -(  Menangis

:~  Menangis

:-))  Sedang girang

:-D  Senyum lebar

:-*  Mencium

:-P~  Menjilat

:-o  Wow!

:-|  Hmmm

:-P  Mengejek sambil mengeluarkan lidah

=:O  Ketakutan

=8O  Orang berkacamata sedang ketakutan

:-}  Senyum tersipu-sipu malu

%*@:-(  Komputer gue lagi hang nih!

>:)  Hmmm (Penuh rasa ingin tahu)

8:-)  Begaya, kacamata taruh di atas rambut

[:-|]  Robot

(:V)  Bebek

3:-o  Sapi





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