----- Original Message ----- 
  From: RudS 
  To: SIK-Warehouse ; SIK-QC ; SIK-Production ; SIK-Ms.Wening ; SIK-Ms.Vinca ; 
SIK-Ms.Suriwati ; SIK-Ms.Santy ; SIK-Ms.Indirasari ; SIK-Ms.Indira ; SIK-Ms.Ina ; 
SIK-Ms.Ida ; SIK-Ms.Hui Lie ; SIK-Ms.Evi ; SIK-Mr.Yoga ; SIK-Mr.Surya ; SIK-Mr.Rudy ; 
SIK-Mr.MF.Ashidiq ; SIK-Mr.Mauludi ; SIK-Mr.Fauzi ; SIK-Mr.Afrijoni ; SIK-Mr.Aboy ; 
SIK-Mr.Abdianta ; SIK-Ms.Dwi ; SIK-Ms.Diana 
  Cc: SIK-Mr.Yamada ; SIK-Mr.M.Akai ; SIK-Mr.H.Tsukamoto ; SIK-Mr.K.Tsuda 
  Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2001 11:40 AM
  Subject: Bom in Kuningan Area-1

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