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Often you won't really know why your young baby is crying or why she
stopped. There may be times she is crying for no reason at all. If you've
tried the simple remedies such as feeding and cuddling, and you've tried the
soothing tactics that usually work (see previous page), all without success,
there may be another reason. Listed below are other possible causes. 
 Illness may be making your baby cry, particularly if her crying sounds
different from normal. Always call your doctor if your baby shows any
symptoms that are unusual for her. A blocked nose from a cold may prevent
her from feeding or sucking her pacifier or thumb, so she can't comfort
herself even though she may not be very ill. Your doctor can prescribe
medication to help her breathe easily. (See pages 174-75.)
 Diaper rash or a sore bottom may make your baby cry. Take her diaper off,
clean her thoroughly, and, if possible, don't put a diaper back on for the
rest of the day: just lay her on a towel. Take steps to treat the rash (see
page 150).
 Colic, often called three-month or evening colic, is characterized by a
pattern of regular, intense, inconsolable screaming at a particular time
each day, usually the late afternoon or evening. The pattern appears at
about three weeks, and can continue until 12 or 14 weeks. The crying spell
may last as long as three hours. Always ask for medical advice the first
time your baby screams inconsolably. Colic isn't harmful, but you might
misdiagnose it and miss other, serious symptoms.
Your baby's surroundings may sometimes make her cry. She might be too cold:
your baby's room temperature should not be less than 68-70°F (20-21°C). Or
she might be too hot: if the back of your baby's neck feels warm and damp,
pull down any quilt or blanket covering her and undo some clothes to cool
her off. If she is sweating, a towel under the crib sheet may make her more
comfortable. Bright lights can make her cry too: make sure an overhead lamp
above her changing mat, or the sun, isn't shining in her eyes.
Activities she hates can't always be avoided, however loudly she voices her
dislike. Dressing and undressing, bathing, having eye or nose drops are all
common dislikes in a new baby, but all you can do is get them over with as
quickly as possible, and then cuddle her to calm her down.
Your own mood may be a reason for your baby's distress. Perhaps it's evening
and you're tired; or perhaps her crankiness is making you irritable. Knowing
that your baby is often just reacting to your mood may help you be calmer
with her.
Too much fussing can make an upset baby cry all the more. Passing her
between you, changing a diaper that doesn't need to be changed, offering ti
feed her again and again, discussing her crying in anxious voices, may all
make her even more agitated, so she cries all the harder. If there's no
obvious reason for her crying, don't keep trying to find one: she probably
just wants to be held.
All you can do if your baby has colic is learn to live with it, in the
certain knowledge that she isn't ill or abnormal, and that the colic won't
last. Don't suffer alone. This will be a difficult three months for you,
your partner, and your baby. Try to remember these three points:
 • Do whatever you can to try to soothe your baby. Keeping her in motion,
feeding her
frequently, rubbing her stomach rhythmically, or just cuddling her, may all
soothe her for a short while.
• Don't resort to medications. You can't cure her colic, so you will be
giving your baby large doses of medication for no real purpose.
• Try to have an occasional evening out. You can leave your partner or a
competent, trusted relative to take charge.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Friday, 24 September 2004 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] hallo...i am bacckk...

udah pernah ke THT, itu dulu usia 13 bln-an, katanya gak ada masalah, cuma
lobang hidung agak kecil aja.

Yg lucunya, ini hanya terjadi sekitar jam 2-3 subuh saja, diluar jam itu gak
pernah masalah. Heran....spt kena mistik aja....

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 24, 2004 4:03 PM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] hallo...i am bacckk...

> udah cek ke dokter THT?
> siapa tahu ada masalah hidung .... jangan coba-coba deh, bisa-bisa: sembuh
> kagak, bangkrut iya!
> aaNg
>                       "Iwan / Finance
>                       Dept."
>                       <[EMAIL PROTECTED] To:
>             >        cc:
>                       Sent by:         Subject:
>                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Re: [balita-anda] hallo...i
am bacckk...
>                       24/09/2004 15:53
>                       Please respond
>                       to balita-anda
> hallo semua....I am baaackk....!!
> langsung mo nanya (hehehe...biasa kalau ada masalah baru subscribe lagee),
> sebenernya dulu pernah gue tanyaain tp gak tuntas.
> Anak gue tuh, kalau malem tidurnya gak nyenyak, tau2 bangun & biasanya
> rewel, kalau diperhatikan hidungnya spt nya buntu, jadi susah nafas.
> sekali pas pake AC made in Cina, di pikir kr mutu udara yg dihasilkan
> langsung di pensiunkan & diganti dg AC National Eolia, udara dinginnya
> lebih efeknya ke gue/istri yg tidur jd lebih nyenyak, si anak
> sama aja !
> Lalu, ada yg anjurin pake aromatherapi, gue beli jg yg lampe
> berger - Eucaliptus, ini udh masuk botol yg ke-2 (@1.5liter), GAK efek
> jg.... (hilang dah duit 1,5jt an)
> Lalu temen ada yg kasi tau coba di urut aja....gue ikutin aja (siapa tau
> bener), nanya sono sini akhirnya gue panggilin ibu2 special urut bayi/anak
> kecil (anak usia 20bln), abis urut...tidurnya pulassss....TAPI cuma tahan
> hari aja !!! Masa gue harus panggil ibu urut tiap 3 hari sekali, bisa
> bangkrut gue (sekali panggil 50rb). Bapaknya aja gak tiap bulan ke SPA
> (hehehe...jgn bilang istri gue yah...).
> Ada temen yg laen bilang udara kamarnya kotor kali, ah....masak gue harus
> coba2 lagi, pembersih udara khan muahal, sudah window shopping harga nya
> 3-4jt. Kalau pasti mengatasi masalah seh gue beli kalau nggak
> mubazir.
> Ada moms/dads yg pernah punya pengalaman yg sama dg gue, sharring donk....
> rgds,
> e1
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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