Dear Moms & Dads,

Berikut ini adalah informasi dari
mengenai e-mail yang MENYESATKAN tentang kandungan timah
(lead) dalam lipstik. Setahu saya e-mail itu muncul tahun
lalu dalam bahasa Inggris (bisa dilihat di Mungkin ada yang terjemahin ke dalam
bahasa Indonesia dan menyebarkannya tanpa check and recheck.

Semoga, setelah membaca artikel di bawah ini, all moms bisa
tenang menggunakan lipstik. Mohon ma'af artikelnya berbahasa


"Too many people spend money they haven't earned,
 to buy things they don't want,
 to impress people they don't like."
 (Will Rogers)



I have recently read that many lipsticks contain lead and
this can cause cancer - is this true?

This question has come up because a recent email has been
circulating saying that lipsticks contain lead and
therefore cause cancer.  THIS ISN'T TRUE.  The email
appears to be one of the many hoax emails claiming that a
variety of everyday products can cause cancer.  We've had
deodorant, shampoo, washing up liquid and now lipstick.
None of these claims are true and just spread alarm

This particular email says that a number of well known
brands of lipstick contain lead.  It claims that the longer
your lipstick stays on, the more lead it contains.  The
email goes on to tell you how to test if the lipsticks you
wear contain lead.  It suggests that you put some lipstick
on your hand scrape a gold ring across it and if the
lipstick stripe turns black then it has lead in it.  None
of this is true.

Will scratching lipstick with a gold ring show you how much
lead is in it?  Basically no!  No such test could give you
this information.  This seems to be based on some ancient
ALCHEMY MYTH but has become rather garbled.

The UK has strict laws about the production of cosmetic
products.  Manufacturers cannot sell a new product to the
public before it has been safety tested.  An organisation
called The Cosmetic Toiletry and Perfumery Association
(CPTA) provides information about regulation of cosmetics in
the UK.  The CPTA abides by regulations set out by the
European Community.  These list substances that are banned
from cosmetics.  Lead is banned from all cosmetics, apart
from hair dyes.  You can find the EC regulations on
cosmetics on the web.

You are most likely to be exposed to lead if you work in
the paint industry or make lead batteries.  The Health and
Safety Executive monitor workplace health in the UK.  They
say that lead cannot be absorbed through the skin.  If you
do have too much lead in your body, the likely results are
headaches, sickness, tiredness and irritability.  Long term
lead exposure may cause problems with kidneys and nerves,
not cancer.

In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
regulates the lead content in food and cosmetics.  They say
that if there is any lead in lipstick, it is likely to be
such a small amount that it will not be harmful.  Another
American organisation called the National Lead Information
Centre provides information about lead hazards.  We have
searched their website and have not been able to find any
references to lipstick posing a threat.

Several websites investigate chain emails.  Although we
cannot vouch for the content of these, the information we've
looked at seems reasonable.  They are a good place to start
when investigating the claims made in chain emails.

They are

    * Break the

    * Truth or

The links will take you to the sites' pages on lead in
lipstick.  Another site, called Urban legends and Folklore
tells you how to spot a hoax email so you may find it
useful in the future.

We don't recommend passing on any chain emails.  All those
that we've ever seen about cancer are false.  You'll just
be spreading alarm and cluttering up someone else's inbox.
If a chain email has an attachment, you certainly shouldn't
forward it.  It could be a virus.


Related Link:

The Cosmetic Toiletry and Perfumery Association (CPTA)

EC regulations on cosmetics

National Lead Information Centre

Urban legends and Folklore



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