Mba, kalo' di rumah bawah emang ada TV, awalnya masalah krn gak
bisa bagus u/ acara TV....akhirnya hanya u/ VCD aja, nah di lt atas ada
ruang TV, tp yg banyak ke sana hanya ayahnya atau mba nya ( krn kamar mba
nya di atas en hanya sebelum bobo malam ), Salma ama Daffa seharian hanya
berkutat di TV bawah, hanya VCD Dora / lagu2 / Teletubbies, di bawah jam 8
malam ( selama anak2 blm bobo ) gak boleh ajak nonton TV apalagi acara
sinetron / tontonan yg aneh2, oia dampak VCD juga gak baik... soalnya baru 2
kali ini aku perhatiin kasus anaknya temenku, gak autis, tp lambat
bicaranya, usia 3 th, ternyata karena dampak VCD .....jadi anak di taruh di
depan TV tanpa di temenin ortu / mba nya.....jadinya pasif, ternyata Salma
lama bicaranya karena VCD juga......kebetulan type Salma gak bisa diam,
jadinya gak terlalu anteng juga di depan TV, en dia gak hanya diam nonton tp
goyang2 kadang teriak........
Jadi aku juga lagi ber-perang ama acara TV, apalgi selain sinetron yg gak
mutu, ada sirkus di beberapa channel yg kadang gak sesuai ama usia
batita.....mendingan nungguin kartun yg gak kasar , ada gak fasilitas u/
para ibu......u/ request acara TV yg diusulkan u/ anak2 mereka yg mendidik
en nantinya di tayangin di TV dg waktu2 normal.........
mungkin gak yah.....?

-----Original Message-----
From: melisa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 01 December, 2004 10:38 AM
Subject: Re: [balita-anda] Anak suka nonton

Mbak Yanti...

Sebenernya nonton TV enggak begitu bagus buat anak-anak Mbak. Cuman jaman
sekarang ini susah banget ngehindarinya. Hampir semua anak kecil suka nonton
TV, terutama bagian iklannya. Anak saya juga seneng nonton TV, tapi hanya
saya batasi setiap hari untuk nonton Blue Clues dan Dora. Selebihnya, bahkan
kalau anak saya tidur saya udah wanti-wanti pada BS untuk tidak menyetel TV.

Sampai sekarang anak saya enggak pernah minta distelin TV, dan hanya sekali2
saya setelin DVD Baby Einstein dan Barney. Saya sendiri juga baru bisa
nonton TV diatas jam 9 malam, ketika anak saya sudah tidur.

Ini saya drop artikel dari AAP tentang efek TV pada anak-anak:

Television - How It Affects Children

Family is the most important influence in a child's life, but television is
not far behind. Television can inform, entertain and teach us. However, some
of what TV teaches may not be what you want your child to learn. TV programs
and commercials often show violence, alcohol or drug use and sexual content
that are not suitable for children or teenagers. Studies show that TV
viewing may lead to more aggressive behavior, less physical activity,
altered body image, and increased use of drugs and alcohol. By knowing how
television affects your children and by setting limits, you can help make
your child's TV-watching experience less harmful, but still enjoyable.
You may not realize it, but there are many ways that television affects your
child's life. When your child sits down to watch TV, consider the following:


Children in the United States watch about four hours of TV every day.
Watching movies on tape or DVD and playing video games only adds to time
spent in front of the TV screen. It may be tempting to use television,
movies and video games to keep your child busy, but your child needs to
spend as much time exploring and learning as possible. Playing, reading and
spending time with friends and family are much healthier than sitting in
front of a TV screen.


Studies show that children who watch too much television are more likely to
be overweight. They do not spend as much time running, jumping and getting
the exercise they need. They often snack while watching TV. They also see
many commercials for unhealthy foods, such as candy, snacks, sugary cereals
and drinks. Commercials almost never give information about the foods
children should eat to keep healthy. As a result, children may persuade
their parents to buy unhealthy foods.


Television affects how your child learns. High-quality, nonviolent
children's shows can have a positive effect on learning. Studies show that
preschool children who watch educational TV programs do better on reading
and math tests than children who do not watch those programs. When used
carefully, television can be a positive tool to help your child learn.

For older children, high-quality TV programs can have benefits. However, for
younger children it's a very different story. The first two years of life
are especially important in the growth and development of your child's
brain. During this time, children need good, positive interaction with other
children and adults to develop good language and social skills. Learning to
talk and play with others is far more important than watching television.

Until more research is done about the effects of TV on very young children,
the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) does not recommend television for
children younger than two years of age. For older children, the AAP
recommends no more than one to two hours per day of quality screen time.

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 29, 2000 10:07 PM
Subject: [balita-anda] Anak suka nonton

Dear Moms and Dads....

I'am Yanti dari Bali, anakku Ryan ( 14 bulan ) suka sekali nonton TV
terutama dibagian iklan-nya, tiap ada iklan pasti dari yg tadinya sibuk main
jadi berenti sejenak liatin Iklan, terutama iklan Molto....trus juga suka
sekali nonton film kayak Barney, Twennies, Teletubies, ato film kartun
lainnya. Menurut Moms and Dads berapa lama yach anak itu dikasi nonton
seharinya, menurut Mbaknya yg jagain, Ryan selalu minta disetelin film2-nya
itu kadang bisa sehari 3-4 film, tapi saya udah wanti2 u/ tidak
mempertontonkan acara kriminal yg biasanya tiap siang ada di TV atau
sinetron2 yg berbau kekerasan. Trus jenis film apa lagi yach yg cocok buat
anak seumuran Ryan selain Barney, Telletubies, dan Twennies. Mohon
sharingnya yach.....thanks before.


Mamanya Ryan


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DUKUNG situs Balita-Anda.Com sebagai Situs Terbaik Wanita & Anak 2004-2005 
versi Majalah Komputer Aktif, dengan ketik: POLL ST WAN 2
ke nomor 8811, selama 16 Okt sd. 30 Nov. 2004.
Raih sebuah ponsel SonyEricsson K500i, dua buah ponsel Nokia 3100 dan 10 paket 
merchandise komputerakt!f bagi para peserta polling yang beruntung. Satu nomor 
ponsel hanya berhak memberikan satu suara dukungan untuk tiap kategorinya. 
Polling ini berlaku untuk pelanggan Telkomsel, Indosat maupun Excelcom dengan 
tarif Rp 1.500. 

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>> Info balita,
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