hehehehe.. kalo boleh ikutan bantu ya pak..

sebelum ini, waktu usia anak saya 9 bulanan, anya (12months) juga pernah
nolak abis2 an untuk nenen ke saya.. sempat sedih juga saya, kaerna saya
pikir anak saya udah kepingin disapih.. tapi ternyata hal ini disebabkan
oleh sesuatu yang 'kecil' menurut kita... bisa jadi karena dia kaget
atas reaksi kita (mungkin dikiranya menyakiti kita, kita ngga suka di
nenenin, dsb), bisa jadi juga karena sang ibu ganti deodoran, parfum,
anak mo tumbuh gigi dan lain sebagainya.. coba ditelusuri lagi deh.. :))

alkisah, dulu waktu anya mo nenen, dia suka menggigit.. nenen terakhir
sebelum dia menolak mimik asi, adalah ketika dia menggigit dan saya
mengaduh dengan keras.. nah waktu itu anya kaget.. jadi aja dia langsung
mencabut mulutnya.. setelah itu, selama seminggu dia ngga mau nenen
langsung dari saya.. tapi asi tetap saya peras, masukin kulkas dan dia
tetap minum asi.. cuma rasanya sediiih banget, biasanya dia ada di
pelukan saya.. waktu itu kok jadi lebih milih dotnya ketimbang milih
saya.. hikks..

selama seminggu itu juga, setiap kali anya bangun dan nangis malam2,
tetap saya tawarkan asi dengan suara yang lembuuut sekali.. pokoknya
yang terdengar membujuk deh.. masuk hari kedelapan, saya tawarkan lagi..
dan kali ini anya langsung nenen.. tapi tiap kali brenti trus mandang
saya.. seolah-olah.. "sakit ngga bunda".. kalo saya ngga senyum, dia
brenti.. kalo saya senyum, dia terus.. trus brenti lagi, liat muka saya,
senyum.. terus nenen lagi.. begituuu terus selama dua hari itu.. :)) dan
sampe sekarang anya masih nenen, alhamdulillah.

saran saya sih.. coba tetap peras asi nya, masukkan kedalam wadah/
botol.. dibagi2 untuk takaran sekali minum.. masukin kulkas..
kalau mau diminum anaknya, botolnya dicelupin ke air hangat supaya
sedikit hangat.. jangan di taro di atas api ya pak.. dan air hangatnya
juga jangan telalu panas.. nanti banyak enzim yang mati..
trus sendokin ke hanum

asi di payudara ibu kalo dah kepenuhan.. mau ngga mau sih memang harus
dikeluarkan ya pak.. kalau ngga nanti payudara ibu bisa membengkak..
akibatnya .. bisa meriang pak.. :)
insya Allah sih, hanum ngga kena sawan ya.. hehehe.. tetap dibujuk aja
pak.. kalo ngga mau .. ya jangan dipaksa tapi besoknya tawarkan lagi..

kejadian anak bapak itu lumrah kok pak.. nama kerennya nursing strike.. 
berikut adalah artikel2nya.


What is a nursing strike?.

Between the age of 4 and 8 months, a baby may suddenly lose interest in
the breast and refuse to nurse. It could be that he is teething and it
hurts his gums to nurse, or he could have an ear infection, sore throat,
or cold. Sometimes there is no apparent reason. Whatever the reason, you
must try to keep up your milk supply by regular pumping. And you must
continue to gently offer the breast to him. Meanwhile you have to find
some other way of feeding the baby.

You can try feeding him your expressed (pumped) milk from a cup or spoon
or medicine dropper. Using a bottle will make it even harder to get him
back on the breast. He might quickly find that it is easier to drink
from a bottle. In fact, using a bottle could have caused the nursing
strike in the first place. It may take several days for the baby to
start back nursing, and during this time you will need to give him lots
of skin contact and cuddling. You can even try nursing him while he is
asleep.  Some babies will nurse while asleep even while "on strike."

Don't confuse a nursing strike with weaning. Weaning occurs gradually,
and the strikes happen suddenly. Although this will be a very trying
time, hang in there. Keep offering the breast but don't try to force
him. Soon he should be back to normal. (1)


My Baby Is Suddenly Refusing to Nurse. Does That Mean It's Time to Wean?

A baby who is truly ready to wean will almost always do so gradually,
over a period of weeks or months. If your baby or toddler has been
breastfeeding well and suddenly refuses to nurse, it is probably what is
called a "nursing strike" rather than a signal that it's time to wean.
Nursing strikes can be frightening and upsetting to both you and your
baby, but they are almost always temporary. Most nursing strikes are
over, with the baby back to breastfeeding, within two to four days. (If
your baby is a newborn please see our FAQ on Getting a Newborn Back to
the Breast)
Nursing strikes happen for many reasons. They are almost always a
temporary reaction to an external factor, although sometimes their cause
is never determined. Here are some of the most common triggers of
nursing  strikes:

- You've changed your deodorant, soap, perfume, lotion, etc. and you
smell "different" to your baby.
- You've been under stress (such as having extra company, traveling,
moving, dealing with a family crisis).
- Your baby or toddler has an illness or injury that makes nursing
uncomfortable (an ear infection, a stuffy nose, thrush, a cut in the mouth).
- Your baby has sore gums from teething.
- You've recently changed your nursing patterns (started a new job, left
the baby with a sitter more than usual, put off nursing because of being
busy, etc.).
- You reacted strongly when your baby bit you, and the baby was frightened.

Getting over the nursing strike and getting your baby back to the breast
takes patience and persistence. Get medical attention if an illness or
injury seems to have caused the strike. See if you can get some extra
help with your household chores and older children so that you can spent
lots of time with the baby. Try to relax and concentrate on making
breastfeeding a pleasant experience. Stop and comfort your baby if he or
she gets upset when you try to nurse. Remember that your baby isn't
rejecting you, and that breastfeeding will almost always get back to
normal with a little time.

Extra cuddling, stroking, and skin-to-skin contact with the baby can
help you re-establish closeness. Some babies are more willing to nurse
when they are sleepy. Sometimes it helps if you are rocking or walking
around (in which case a sling or cloth carrier can be useful.) Try
nursing in a quiet room with the lights dimmed to avoid distractions.
You can also try to stimulate your let-down and get your milk flowing
before offering the breast so the baby gets an immediate reward.

You will probably need to express your milk to avoid feeling
uncomfortably full, as well as to keep up your milk supply (especially
important in a nursing strike that continues for more than a day or
two). You can feed the baby your milk with a cup, eye-dropper, feeding
syringe, or spoon. Avoid bottles: they can cause nipple confusion.

Your local LLL Leader can offer support and more suggestions if these
don't seem to be working.

moga membantu ya...

much love,


> > -----Original Message-----
> > From:                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent:                 Monday, July 18, 2005 11:56 AM
> > To:                 balita-anda@balita-anda.com
> > Subject:                 [balita-anda] Tiba2 tidak mau minum asi
> >
> >
> > Bapak dan ibu,
> > anak kami hanum 11 bulan tiga hari yang lalu tiba2 tidak mau
> > minum asi. Kami jadi bingung apa penyebabnya.
> > Sama eyangnya dipanggilin tukang urut bayi, setelah diurut
> > dan dikasih ramuan untuk diminum (bundanya yang minum) tetap tidak
> > mau, katanya sih kena sawan. Akibatnya tiap mau tidur selalu rewel
> > karena biasanya kalau tidur sambil "nenen".
> > Hari pertama nagis semalaman, jam setengah empat pagi baru tidur.
> > Badannya sih tidak panas, malah bundanya sekarang jadi panas dingin
> > karena asinya sudah berlebih.
> >
> > Mohon pencerahan dan sharingnya. terima kasih
> >
> > ayah hanum << File: ATT243469.txt >>

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