ini mbak... mudah-mudahan bermanfaat ya..

dari milis sebelah (selain tanggapan dari saya yang sudah sebelumnya
saya posting).. disini juga ada e-mail sanggahan dari CDC ( *Centers*
*for* *Disease* *Control* and Prevention <>/ <> mengenai issue tersebut. CDC
adalah badan
internasional  yang menangani kesehatan, termasuk rekomendasi vaksin dan
jadwal vaksinasi untuk dunia

much love,



Dear SP's,

Sehubungan dgn adanya article Deadly Immunity, saya kemarin kirim email
ke CDC utk confirm masalah tsb. Dibawah adalah email jawaban dr mereka
(surprisingly very promptly).
Semoga dpt memberikan sedikit pencerahan.

Wulan-Abir's Mom

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 7:00 PM
To: Wulan Dharmajati
Subject: Safety gp

We are planning to have a transcript of the meeting on our website soon
so that you can read the proceedings for yourself. Below is a response
given by the President of the Institute of Medicine. Yes you are correct
that Thimerosal has been removed from most childhood vaccines in
the United States. I cannot speak to what vaccine Indonesia may be using.

Duane Kilgus, MPH, RS
Commander, US Public Health Service
National Immunization program
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Joan Walsh, Editor in Chief
Gary Kamiya, Vice President of Content/Executive Editor
Salon Media Group Inc.

Dear Ms. Walsh and Mr. Kamiya:

A commentary on vaccine safety issues written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
that appeared in Salon and Rolling Stone is rife with factual errors and
distortions. Although there are numerous errors in Kennedy's piece that
deserve correction and clarification, this letter focuses only on the
errors pertaining to the Institute of Medicine.

Commentators and publications should take great care to ensure that
their stories dealing with health provide parents with verifiable facts
and reliable scientific evidence. Providing any less can lead to
unwarranted fears and anxiety.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National
Institutes of Health asked the Institute of Medicine in 2000 to provide
an independent and objective review of a series of vaccine safety
concerns. This review resulted in a total of eight reports (for a full
list see <>
The charge to the study committee
is a matter of public record and was discussed in a public meeting on
January 10, 2001.

Sponsors of IOM studies provide funding and their perspectives on what
committees convened to carry out the studies should be charged to do.
For example, in the case of IOM's studies of vaccines and autism, CDC
discussed what would make the committee's conclusions and
recommendations most useful and understandable to policy-makers - such
as outlining specific research needs rather than giving a general
recommendation that more research is needed. However, no organizations -
neither CDC, nor NIH, nor medical associations, nor parent groups, nor
any others - have control over committee members' conclusions and
recommendations. The only factor that influences IOM committees'
conclusions and recommendations is the evidence.

This is borne out by the results of IOM's first look at the thimerosal
question in 2001. For those who are not aware, IOM visited the
thimerosal question twice in its series on vaccine safety. At that time,
the committee concluded that although there was not solid evidence
linking thimerosal to brain disorders including autism, neither was the
evidence sufficient to rule out a link. This would hardly seem to be a
conclusion that would be reached by a committee that was "instructed to
produce a report debunking the link," as Mr. Kennedy erroneously wrote.
In addition, the committee in that report supported a call by the
American Academy of Pediatrics for thimerosal to be removed voluntarily
from vaccines.

Mr. Kennedy sought to buttress his misrepresentation of the purpose of
the IOM studies by selectively using and fabricating quotations from the
transcript of an organizational meeting held by the committee. He took
words and phrases out of context, combined them, and misrepresented them
as direct quotes. The discussions recorded in this transcript focus on
the committee members' efforts to make sure that they fully understood
their charge and reached agreement on the best way to conduct their
study. Part of the discussions focused on the concerns, interests, and
stakes held by various parties, including both CDC and parents.

For example, Mr. Kennedy used this partial quote from Dr. Marie
McCormick: "[The CDC] wants us to declare, well, these things are pretty
safe." Here is the full quote from Dr. McCormick: "I took away [from the
previous day's discussion] actually an issue that we may have to
confront, and that is actually the definition of what we mean by safety.
It is safety on a population basis, but it is also safety for the
individual child. I am wondering, if we take this dual perspective, we
may address more of the parent concerns, perhaps developing a better
message if we think about what comes down the stream as opposed to CDC,
which wants us to declare, well, these things are pretty safe on a
population basis." The full quote is part of a discussion of the needs
of parents to know if a vaccine is safe for an individual child (or if
the vaccine is a danger for an ill child) compared with the public
health community's need to know if vaccines pose risks to a whole
population. In fact, Dr. McCormick proposed that the committee consider
addressing the parental concerns about the health of an individual child
- not just CDC's concern about population-wide effects.

In its 2004 report, the committee concluded that the totality of the
evidence available indicated that neither thimerosal nor the MMR vaccine
is associated with autism. Contrary to Mr. Kennedy's assertions, the
report clearly recommends that research continue to seek the cause or
causes of autism, but that finite resources should be directed toward
the most promising paths, and that a significant investment in studies
of the theoretical vaccine-autism connection is not useful at this time.
The exact text of the IOM report reads: "The committee urges that
research on autism focus more broadly on the disorder's causes and
treatments for it. Thus, the committee recommends a public health
response that fully supports an array of vaccine safety activities. In
addition the committee recommends that available funding for autism
research be channeled to the most promising areas." In addition, the
committee recommended that trends in autism incidence in the United
States be closely tracked now that thimerosal has been largely
eliminated from routine immunizations. The report offers nine specific
recommendations for research on autism, thimerosal, and vaccine safety
in general.

To reach its conclusions about the possible links between thimerosal and
the MMR vaccine and autism, the committee reviewed a large amount of
literature on this topic - more than 215 references are cited in the
2004 report. The committee members based their conclusions on the whole
body of the evidence, including toxicology studies, not just four
epidemiological studies. The committee included several experts in
epidemiology, pediatrics, clinical medicine, statistics, and other
relevant fields who reviewed and discussed in detail the strengths and
weaknesses of the epidemiological, clinical, and biological evidence
pertaining to thimerosal and autism. Their detailed analysis of these
strengths and weaknesses is included in their report, which is a public
document available to anyone who wishes to read it. Mr. Kennedy did not
offer a detailed analysis of why he views four of the studies reviewed
by the committee as flawed.

In addition, Mr. Kennedy erroneously conflates the work of two entirely
separate IOM committees. The IOM entered into a contract with CDC in
2004 to assess the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) Data Sharing program.
(The VSD is a large, linked database of patient information such as
vaccination histories, health outcomes, and characteristics that can be
used to study whether health problems are associated with vaccinations.)
As an independent, nongovernmental organization, the IOM cannot be
forced to take on any particular study, nor was there pressure from
Congress, parents, or others to conduct this study. The Committee on the
Review of the National Immunization Program's Research Procedures and
Data Sharing Program did not review the work of the IOM Immunization
Safety Review Committee, which wrote the report on vaccines and autism.
The committee that reviewed the data sharing program released a report
in February 2005 that was directed to CDC and others involved with the
VSD, not to the IOM's Immunization Safety Review Committee.

Mr. Kennedy's piece does not mention that the IOM's studies on vaccines
and autism - like all IOM studies - were peer-reviewed (the equivalent
of fact-checking in the scientific community) by a group of outside
experts before being approved for publication. The Institute of
Medicine, a branch of the National Academies, also follows stringent
policies for reviewing the potential conflicts of interest or biases of
individuals who are chosen to serve on its study committees. The members
selected for the committee that reviewed vaccine safety issues had no
links to CDC, vaccine manufacturers, vaccine-related litigation or
advocacy groups, and they had received no recent funding from the
sponsors of the study. They received no remuneration for their work on
the committee. The reputation of the National Academies for objectivity,
integrity, independence, and competence has been earned through numerous
studies, and it is one of our most important assets.

Our corrections are only a subset of the many factual misstatements and
errors contained in Mr. Kennedy's commentary. In the interests of
accuracy and fairness - and to alleviate unsubstantiated anxiety that
this piece may have raised among readers - we call upon Salon and
Rolling Stone to publish this full letter and to run a complete
correction of the many other errors contained in Mr. Kennedy's commentary.


Harvey V. Fineberg, M.D., Ph.D.
Institute of Medicine of the National Academies

Rolling Stone magazine
Jann S. Wenner, Editor and Publisher
Will Dana, Deputy Managing Editor
James Kaminsky, Deputy Managing Editor
Joe Levy, Deputy Managing Editor

Larry Carlat, Editor in Chief

-----Original Message-----
From: Wulan Dharmajati [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, July 07, 2005 5:47 AM
Subject: Deadly Immunity article by RFK Jr.

Dear Mr/Ms.,

I have read the Deadly Immunity article written by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
at Rolling Stone magazine. I'd like to know how is CDC's comment about
it? Since my 2,5 years old daughter is already get almost all vacciness
and I have an autism nephew named Dea. Dea's family is always sad about
her condition.

I live at Indonesia, and is it true that thimerosal is already banned in
US and exported to develop country such mine? Please give me reasons
that those article is rubbish.

Looking forward for your attention.

Many thanks,


Dear SPs dan Dr. Wati,

Artikel tersebut memang benar pernah disebut dalam pemberitaan TV bulan
lalu mulai dari ABC, NBC, dll dan juga dibicarakan lagi  di USA today
per july tgl 6 dan 7.

Kalau saya pribadi selama CDC, FDA, WHO   dan lembaga kesehatan lainnya
belum mengeluarkan pernyataan larangan atau warning,  berarti memang
vaksin MMR, flu  dll aman untuk anak-anak. 

Secara logika juga tidak mungkinlah pemerintah US  selama ini merancuni
anak-anaknya sendiri , karena semua vaksinasi untuk anak-anak wajib di
US (kalau masuk sekolah harus ada surat bukti  vaksinasi dari dokternya

Juga  WHO dan pemerintah dari negara maju lainnya seperti mbak Sheeren
bilang Australia, UK dll, kok adem ayem saja.

Sebetulnya sampai sekarang masih belum pasti diketahui secara tepat
penyebab autisme ini dan  masih dalam penelitian lebih lanjut seperti
pemberitaan media di sini.

Bapak Robert F Kennedy ini memang activist di bidang lingkungan hidup
tetapi juga sekaligus politikus.  

Seperti  SPs ketahui di US,  setiap orang bebas mengeluarkan pendapat,
hanya kitanya sebagai pendengar/pembaca/pemirsa  yang harus
pandai-pandai memilih mana yang masuk akal/rational  dan bisa dipakai
dan mana yang tidak.

Maaf kalau ada kata-kata yang kurang berkenan.

Salam ,


/------------------------------------/ dari dr. wati

Dear Ibu Yulia dan Nensi
Thanks a lot Ibu Yulia
I really appreciate your comment

Ibu Nensi ...
Saya kok prihatin banget
Di tengah maraknya polio, campak, rubella, lalu gondongan ... masih saja
ada upaya-upaya anti vaksinasi

Ibu Nensi ...
Kasihan kan anak-anak Indonesia ... menderita lahir batin
Kasihan kan orang tua nya ... kebingungan dan kehilangan enersi
Ketika banyak pihak berupaya sebisanya untuk melakukan upaya promotif
mensukseskan program imunisasi ... dalam skala sekecil apapun ...
Katakanlah Ibu Nensi tidak setuju dengan program imunisasi ... sebaiknya
Ibu konsentrasi saja di "habitat" ibu yang memang sudah kadung anti
imunisasi ...

Ibu Nensi
Bagaimana bila anak-anak yang tidak diimunisasi lalu cacat, atau di usia
sekolah dasar menderita komplikasi lambat measles dalam bentuk SSPE lalu
meninggal, dst dst
Bisakah ibu menjawab ketika mereka lalu mempertanyakan : "mengapa ibu
"menakut-nakuti" orang tua saya?"

Ibu Nensi ... kejadian itu kan tahun 2000 ... selama 5 tahun banyak yang
bisa diperbuat kalau memang vaksinasi berbahaya. Percayakah ibu bahwa
kebenaran bisa ditutup-tutupi .. apalagi ketika menyangkut nyawa manusia
... apalagi ketika menyangkut nyawa anak-anak ...
Pasti yang menutup-nutupi sudah diajukan ke sidang HAM internasional ...
atas tuntutan kriminalitas tingkat tinggi ...

Dear beloved SP
Saya lelah sekali ...
KONIKA, lalu di Jakarta banyak hal mesti saya kerjakan, belum lagi
memikirkan kelangsungan jangka panjang grup sehat, meeting seharian tadi
..besok ke Batam ...
Minggu depannya lagi ke Kaltim
Sebetulnya saya sudah telp Luluk minta ijin absen milis (email tetap
dipantau) selama 2 minggu ... tetapi saya TIDAK TAHAN membaca email2
yang seperti cuci otak agar kalian anti imunisasi
Please be wise
Please try to get balanced information
Please try to see both sides, manfaat nya harus dilihat jangan cuma
melihat sisi jeleknya saja .. apalagi ketika sisi jeleknya "rekaan" ...

I have faith on you
I know that you are all too smart to be "fooled" by such a sensational issue
Kalian terlalu bijak dan terlalu cerdas untuk bisa dikelabui berita2

Cinta saya
Hormat saya
buat kalian,
buat anak2 kalian



mbak nensi..
sebelumnya, sorry kalo saya mencantumkan kembali tanggapannya mbak
shereen.. (tidak dihapus)

saya sependapat dengan mbak shereen. bisa jadi tokoh yang mbak nensi
utarakan itu emang hanya cari publikasi misalnya? who knows? seperti
yang dokter wati bilang, dunia kedokteran adalah dunia yang berada pada
koridor risk and benefit. sebaiknya sebelum menyebarkan hal-hal yang
belum terbukti dan diakui oleh dunia, kita check dulu kebenarannya. dulu
yang mengaitkan dan mengeluarkan pernyataan autis dengan vaksin ini
juga dokter kok.. namanya Dr. Andrew Wakefield di tahun 1998, sampai
akhirnya pernyataan itu ditarik kembali karena setelah keluar pernyataan
tersebut, ahli2 di seluruh dunia (bukan cuma di amerika, atau di
indonesia) melakukan riset yang berkepanjangan untuk membuktikannya.
coba baca ini

In 1998, Andrew Wakefield headed a group of researchers in publishing a
much-disputed study that suggested a possible link between autism and
the measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine. Since then, several studies
have found no clear evidence to link MMR and autism, and all major
health organizations - including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the
National Institutes of Health, the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, and the World Health Organization - have rejected Dr.
Wakefield's claims. Still, fear of the MMR vaccine has caused some
parents to avoid immunizing their children, leaving them susceptible to
diseases that once killed thousands.

Now, 10 out of its 13 authors are retracting, or taking back, the
controversial 1998 study. The Lancet, the journal in which the 1998
study was published, printed the retraction in the March 6 issue. The
write: "We wish to make it clear that in this paper no causal link was
established between MMR vaccine and autism as the data were
insufficient. However, the possibility of such a link was raised and
consequent events have had major implications for public health. In view
of this, we consider now is the appropriate time that we should together
formally retract the interpretation placed upon these findings in the

kalau mbak nensi berkenan membaca posting saya yang dulu saya tujukan ke
mbak nensi, ada kok artikel lengkapnya:) kalau memang vaksin itu
berbahaya, tentunya informasi tersebut akan disebarluaskan. masa iya sih
who, aap, cdc atau unicef sekalipun ngebiarin aja berjuta2 anak disuntik
sesuatu yang berbahaya.

lagian kan kita udah sama-sama tau, kalo dulu pernah kok vaksin ini
dihentikan pemberiannya.. tapi ternyata penderita autis tetap meningkat
aja kok, dilain pihak anak2 yang akhirnya meninggal karena measles,
mumps, rubella malah meningkat karena pemberian vaksin tersebut
dihentikan. jelas kan vaksin ini menolong jutaan anak di dunia.

saya emang ngga faham dunia kedokteran karena saya juga hanya ibu biasa
bagi anak yang juga biasa, tapi sebaiknya kita menjadi lebih arif untuk
menerima suatu informasi, apalagi hal itu menyangkut masa depan anak
kita. yang saya tau, bukan hanya sekali ini kan keluar isu seperti itu?
tapi apakah para ahli (saya bilang para ahli lho ya, bukan ahli yang di
indonesia aja.. tapi seluruh dunia) menanggapi? ngga kan? mereka bahkan
mungkin memberikan anak mereka sendiri vaksin tersebut. kalo ngga, ngga
akan mungkin negara2 maju menerapkan peraturan yang menyatakan bahwa
anak yang belum di vaksin mmr or hib tidak boleh masuk sekolah, tpa,
dsb.. (bener kan mbak shereen?)

sementara malaysia udah mencanangkan aturan tersebut, di indonesia kok
masih aja sih ribut soal autis dan vaksin.. kapan kita majunya ya?
mohon maaf kalau tidak berkenan

much love,


keanka1 wrote:

Mbak Nensi,

terima kasih atas masukan2nya...

setelah saya baca berulang kali artikel tersebut untuk memahaminya
(sampe nanya lagi sama suami...bener gak yah pemahaman saya yaaa...,

maklum inggris saya kan gak secanggih dia yang dari lahir
ngomongnya  inggris mulu, ternyata jadi bikin PD deh soalnya dia
sependapat saya  juga), saya tetap merasa koq yah banyak bolongnya...
(begitu juga  akurasi datanya itu asalnya dari mana terlepas dari kata

siapalah...Saya juga browse sana sini mengenai sang penulis... yah
memang dia adalah Robert Francis Kennedy Jr, sang senator  who claims
war against Bush, si penulis Crimes against Natures (ditulis di
majalah  Rolling Stones juga...)

Setelah saya lebih mengenal baca mengenai sang penulis... perasaan
saya semakin menguatlah, nothing more than political issues... perang

antar politikus...legal2 aja tohhh.... tulisan mengeani deadly
immunity adalah pandangannya dia... Mungkin pemikiran saya naif kali
ya.... saya sih cuma berpatokan kalo iyaaa emang bener tentunya gak
cuma politikus senator RObert F  Kennedy saja beserta partainya yang
akan koar2 dengan issue yang  sangat serius yang saya rasa menyangkut
kehidupan anak di dunia  (apalagi yang menurut dia amerika "meracun"
anak2 di negara dunia  3).. tentunya para ilmuwan, prof and doctor
dinegara maju lainnya  (yang gak ada hubungannya yah dengan politik di
Amerika)pasti  akan "kebakaran"jenggot juga dong...?? apalagi dengan
kemajuan  informasi sekarang ini gossip cepet  banget nyebar...;o)
Kalau beracu kembali dari tanggal release artikel tersebut, para
ilmuwan di Australia (tempat saya tinggal sekarang ini) koq yah adem
ayem aja yah??? imunisasi tetep wajib.. gak ada gaung ini sama
sekali... apa bener mereka gak peduli yah??? kalo emang bener kaum
ilmuwan yang beroposisi dengan pemerintah banyak lohhh bisa saja ini
jadi senjata mereka untuk menurunkan pemerintah..

Iyaa... saya tau koq majalah Rollingstones ini... majalah
trend...up  to date dengan news tentunya kalo gak mau kalah bersaing
dengan majalah2 lainnya.. apapun topik hangat akan menjadi hangat, yang
gak  hangat yah dihangat2in dehh.. namanya juga media.. (cmiiw yah sps)
soal info bener apa ngak yahhh itu kan urusan belakangan toh..??

Btw, semuanya berbalik pada kebijakan kita masing2 dalam memutuskan
sesuatu... Just be wise....

Sorry banget kalo ada kata2 yang tidak berkenan, ini hanya
pendapat  saya saja, mungkin pendapat saya bisa salah..(sorry buru2 mo
pergi sehhh)




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