Dear Mbak Anna,

Soal baby walker ini dah sering dibahas deh di BA.
Coba liat di archivenya BA.
Meski kontroversi, negara2 di Eropa spt Inggris dan sekutunya plus Amerika
juga mem-banned produk baby walker.
Kalo di Indonesia ? susah lah yaw. Dan byk yg kontrovertif. Mulai dari
"dulu pas saya kecil gak papa tuh", "Kalo ati2 kan gak akan celaka"
Kenapa dibanned ? ini salah saru artikel yg dapat menjelaskan.

Yg jelas sihhhh AAP (IDAI-nya Amrik) dan negara2 eropa lainnya melarang
krn sudah melakukan penelitian lanjut soal ini.
Well mungkin Indonesia beda ...speechless deh.

Taken from )

AAP Fact Sheet
Baby Walkers are Dangerous!

Baby walkers send more than 14,000 children to the hospital every year.
34 children have died since 1973 because of baby walkers.

Children in baby walkers can:
a.  Roll down the stairs - which can cause broken bones and head injuries.
This is how most children get hurt in baby walkers.
b.  Get burned - a child can reach higher when in a walker. A cup of hot
coffee on the table, pot handles on the stove, a radiator, fireplace, or
space heater are all now in baby's reach.
c.  Drown - a child can fall into a pool, bathtub, or toilet while in a
d.  Be poisoned - reaching high objects is easier in a walker.
e.  Pinch fingers and toes - by getting them caught between the walker and

There are no benefits to baby walkers
You may think a walker can help your child learn to walk. But, in fact,
walkers do not help children walk sooner. Also, some babies may get sore leg
muscles from spending too much time in a walker. Most walker injuries happen
while adults are watching. Parents and other caregivers simply cannot
respond quickly enough. A child in a walker can move more than 3 feet in 1
second! Therefore, walkers are never safe to use, even with close adult
supervision. Make sure there are no walkers at home or wherever your child
is being cared for. Child care facilities should not allow the use of baby
If your child is in child care at a center or at someone else's home, make
sure there are no walkers.
Throw out your baby walkers!

Try something just as enjoyable but safer, like:
1.  "Stationary walkers" - have no wheels but have seats that rotate and
2.  Play pens - great safety zones for children as they learn to sit, crawl,
or walk.
3.  High chairs - older children often enjoy sitting up in a high chair and
playing with toys on the tray.

As of July 1, 1997, new safety standards were implemented for baby walkers.
Walkers are now made wider so they cannot fit through most doorways and can
stop at the edge of a step. But these new walker designs will not prevent
all injuries from walkers. They still have wheels, so children can still
move fast and reach higher.
The American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Association for
Children's Hospitals and Related Institutions (NACHRI) have called for a ban
on the manufacture and sale of baby walkers with wheels.
Keep your child safe - throw away your baby walker.

© 2004 - American Academy of Pediatrics

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