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Ini artikel mengenai pengaruh Mozart terhadap IQ anak yang saya ambil dari
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Mozart's nice but doesn't increase IQs

By Rochelle Jones - CNN August 25, 1999

(WebMD) -- The news stories sounded like, well, music to the ears when
researchers at the University of California, Irvine reported in 1993 that
college students could raise their IQs by listening to a few soaring bars of
a Mozart sonata. 
But there's a problem with the concept of classical music as sort of a
Gatorade for the brain. According to two studies reported in this week's
issue of the journal Nature, classical music has no ability to increase
basic intelligence in adults or children. 
The 1993 finding set off many parents who reasoned that if classical music
could enhance college students' intelligence, then babies might benefit as
well -- even if they didn't start composing piano pieces by the age of 6 as
Mozart had, said Kenneth Steele, associate professor of psychology at
Appalachian State University in Boone, North Carolina and the author of one
of the two new studies. 
Suddenly compact discs with titles such as "The Mozart Effect" and "Baroque
for Baby" began appearing in the nursery, he said. Former Georgia Gov. Zell
Miller was so impressed by the research that, in 1998, he played "Ode to
Joy" for legislators and requested 105,000 dollars to give classical-music
compact discs to parents of all newborns in the state. 
"The Mozart effect is pretty much on the wallet of the parents who are
buying the CDs," Steele said. "There's no special effect on baby." 

The study: Double-time 

Steele repeated the original study in which college students listened to
Mozart's "Sonata for Two Pianos in D Major" for 10 minutes, then performed
complicated visual tasks that involved cutting and folding paper. The
students who listened to the sonata did no better than control groups who
listened to other types of music or simply relaxed before taking the test. 
"The experiment is not very complicated," he said. "If there is a Mozart
effect, it should have shown up." 
In the second study, Christopher F. Chabris, a research fellow at
Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, reviewed 16
previous studies involving 714 subjects that compared the IQ-boosting
effects of the Mozart recording. The result: Statistically insignificant
increases in the ability to complete tasks requiring spatial visualization
skills and abstract reasoning, Chabris said. 
"If listening to Mozart improves cognitive performance at all, it's by
improving overall cognitive arousal and concentration," he said. "It
shouldn't be viewed as an intellectual miracle drug." 

Holding the note 

Frances Rauscher, co-author of the original study, said that many
researchers who tried to repeat the experiment failed because they measured
the effect on general intelligence instead of on spatial-temporal abilities,
or the ability to identify various shapes. She added that she was unfamiliar
with Steele's research. 
But Rauscher, now assistant professor of cognitive development at the
University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh, agrees with her critics on one point:
There is no evidence that playing Mozart in the nursery is going to raise an
infant's IQ. The researchers who did the original study in 1993 never
claimed it would. 
"I'm horrified -- and very surprised -- over what has happened," she said.
"It's a very giant leap to think that if music has a short-term effect on
college students that it will produce smarter children. When we published
the study results, we didn't think anyone would care. The whole thing has
really gotten out of hand." 

Ad libitum: Individual style 

Mozart won't work because there's no one way -- and certainly no one right
way--to increase a child's intelligence, experts say. 
Claire Lerner, a child-development specialist at ZERO TO THREE, a nonprofit
organization devoted to providing information on childhood development, said
that children react to different types of stimulation. The important thing
is for parents to relax, get to know their babies and see what stimulus
produces a favorable response. 
"The major message is there is not one right kind of stimulation. There are
individual differences in children. They learn in different ways," she said.
"If someone says, this is it -- whether it's Mozart or a mobile -- alarm
bells should go off." 

> ----------
> From:         Yoni
> om]
> Reply To:     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent:         Friday, August 06, 1999 8:17 AM
> Subject:      RE: Re[4]: [balita-anda] Dengarkanlah Mozartku Sayang
> Bapak ibu yang berbahagia,
> Tampaknya diskusi kita tentang music classic untuk bayi semakin menarik.
> Saya sendiri termasuk yang setuju dengan pendapat bapak ibu yang
> mengatakan
> bahwa kita tidak perlu terlalu memaksakan music classic pada bayi / istri
> yang lagi hamil. 
> Kalo pertimbangan utamanya untuk menimbulkan rasa tentram memang benar
> kalo
> pilihannya tidak hanya ada pada music classic. Begitu pula kalo kita ingin
> 'memperkaya' suara - suara yang diterima bayi / janin. Tentu juga tidak
> salah kalo music classic adalah salah satu pilihannya.
> Untuk memberikan rasa tentram memang alangkah baiknya kalo kita gunakan
> kitab suci kita masing - masing (sesuai agama kita). Setidaknya akan
> menimbulkan rasa cinta membaca sejak dini. Dan kalo yang kita baca Al
> Qur'an
> maka berarti kita telah memperkenalkan 'bahasa ibu kedua' setelah bahasa
> yang kita gunakan sehari - hari. Ini akan mempermudah si anak belajar
> bahasa
> - bahasa lain kelak.
> Untuk mempekaya suara - suara yang diterima bayi bisa juga kita gunakan
> suara - suara (music) dari alam seperti suara air, burung, serangga,
> dedaunan, dll - dll.
> Demikian sekedar 'partisipasi' dari saya
> Wassalam
> Yoni Muhammad
> >

"Untuk mereka yang mendambakan anak balitanya tumbuh sehat & cerdas"

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