Ada sedikit pengalaman saya mengenai polyp ini, dari general check-up 6 bulan 
lalu, hasil pap smear saya baik-baik, tetapi dokter mengatakan ada polyp, 
yang tidak berbahaya, tetapi dianjurkan untuk diambil. Tetapi karena banyak 
hal kesibukan saya, saya belum sempat untuk melakukannya. Jadi saya tidak 
bisa bercerita banyak tentang prosedurnya, tetapi dokter mengatakan itu 
prosedur yang cukup simple, sekitar 30-45 menit.

Ini saya lampirkan artikel ttg Cervical Polyp.
semoga bermanfaat.

Projectile growths originating from the mucosal surface of the cervix or 
endocervical canal. These small, fragile growths hang from a stalk and 
protrude through the cervical opening (the os).

Causes, incidence, and risk factors:
The cause of cervical polyps is not completely understood, but they are 
frequently the result of infection. They may be associated with chronic 
inflammation, an abnormal local response to increased levels of estrogen, or 
local congestion of cervical blood vessels. Cervical polyps are relatively 
common, especially in women over 20 years who have had children. Only a 
single polyp is present in most cases but somettimes two or three are found. 
They are rare before menarche (onset of menstrual periods).

                                Removal is typically done as a simple, 
                                outpatient procedure. Gentle twisting of a 
                                cervical polyp is frequently enough to remove 
                                it, however, normally one is removed by tying 
                                surgical ligature around the base and cutting 
                                off. Removal of the base is done by 
                                electrocautery or laser vaporization. Because 
                                many polyps are infected, an antibiotic may 
                                administered after the removal, either 
                                prophylactically or with any early signs of 
                                infection. Although most cervical polyps are 
                                benign, the excised tissue should be sent to 
                                pathologist for microscopic examination.
                                Expectations (prognosis):
                                Typically, polyps are benign and easily 
                                Regrowth of polyps is uncommon.
                                Some cervical cancers may first appear as a 
                                polyp. Infections may occur after removal.
                                Calling your health care provider:
                                Call for an appointment with your health care 
                                provider if you are a woman, 20 years old or 
                                older, and have had no prior pelvic 
                                and Pap smear.
                                Call for an appointment with your health care 
                                provider if you have not obtained a Pap smear 
                                recommended intervals of
                                every year initially.
                                for women up to age 35 or 40: every 2 to 3 
                                after having 3 negative, consecutive annual 
                                smear tests and a single sexual partner or no 
                                sexual partner.
                                every year for women over 35 or 40.
                                every year for women who have had multiple 
                                sexual partners.
                                every year for women who are taking oral 
                                contraceptives (birth control pills).
                                every 6 months for women who have a history 
                                HPV (genital warts).
                                the frequency recommended after an abnormal 

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