
Anak saya setiap kali imunisasi hep.B selalu bersamaan dengan imunisasi Hib
dan Polio.
Memang sich, jadinya 2 suntikan. Cuma gak papa tuh, paling nangis sebentar
waktu jarumnya masuk.:-)
Soal demam dan panas rasanya tergantung kondisi bayinya. Tapi pengalaman
saya sendiri sich, Kay setiap abis diimunisasi boleh dibilang biasa aja, gak
ada demam. Paling waktu dikasih MMR, Mei lalu, dia sempat panas tinggi. Tapi
saya pikir itu karena dia baru sembuh pilek.

Mia - mamanya Kay

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Datum: Dienstag, 20. Juni 2000 20:15
Betreff: RE: [balita-anda] PENTINGNYA IMUNISASI

>dear netter....
>sekalian saya mau tanya ..
>anak saya  maura (5 bln ) imunisasi dpt nya sudah selesai minggu kemarin
>, rencananya bulan depan hepatitis b yang terakhir....
>pada saat ke dsa mingu kemarin saya tanya kapan HIB boleh dikasihkan,
>bilang bisa bulan ini katanya, hanya saya lupa tanya apa HIB mengakibatkan
> soalnya si maura kalau sudah di imunisasi dia gak demam(panas) (walaupun
>panas paling  hanya   1 jam itu juga besoknya ) nafsu makan nya berkurang,
>rencananya minggu ini saya akan ke dsa untuk imunisasi HIB.... sementara
>minggu ini nafsu makannya sedang bagus...
>mungkin ada rekan2 yang tahu tentang imunisasi HIB ini ,bisa nggak ya
>sekalian dengan hepatitis? ( tapi kasihan juga ya kalow dua kali disuntik
>:-( )
>saya harapkan sharing dari rekan2...
>> ----------
>> From: Rien
>> Sent: Friday, June 16, 2000 5:04 PM
>> Subject: Re: [balita-anda] PENTINGNYA IMUNISASI
>> Sri Wardhani Kusumawati wrote:
>> > Mumpung masalah imunisasi ini sedang hangat dibicarakan......
>> > Rabu, 14 Juni 2000
>> > (dari
>> >                  Salah satu vaksin yang paling ditakutkan oleh
>> > masyarakat adalah kombinasi vaksin measles, mumps and Rubella (MMR)
>> > vaksin kombinasi untuk penyakit campak, gondongan dan campak jerman.
>> dihapus..
>> >                  Salah satu kekhawatiran orang tua adalah bahwa vaksin
>> > ini berhubungan dengan timbulnya autisme tetapi beberapa penelitian
>> telah
>> > menunjukkan tidak adanya hubungan antara vaksinasi dan autisme.
>> Rekan-rekan,
>> terus terang, sampai sekarang saya agak ragu dengan vaksin MMR. Ella
>> mestinya
>> sudah divaksin tgl 15 ini, tapi karena kebetulan baru pulih dari
>> nya, saya putuskan utk. menunda seminggu lagi. Saya belum pernah ketemu
>> ada
>> pernyataan di Indonesia bahwa MMR bebas dari risiko autism. Ada rekan2
>> tahu dimana harus cari info ?
>> Aduuh... bayangkan gimana kalo anakku yg. lucu itu jadi autistik ?
>> Penjelasan dari CDC yg. saya paste di bawah ini sih sangat...meyakinkan.
>> Tapi
>> itu kan dari pemerintahnya. Sejauh mana pemerintah (Amerika) bisa jujur
>> utk.
>> suatu produk yg. (seandainya benar) berside-effect jelek, tapi sudah
>> keburu
>> disetujui...? Sementara banyak badan2 / peneliti swasta (di LN) yg.
>> menyatakan
>> ada hubungan MMR dgn. autisme...
>> Gimana dong, ya...?
>> Rien.
>> ---------------------
>> MMR Vaccine and Autism
>> 1. Does the MMR vaccine cause autism?
>> CDC believes that the current scientific
>> evidence does not support the hypothesis that
>> MMR, or any combination of vaccines, cause
>> the development of autism, including
>> regressive forms of autism. A suspected link
>> between MMR vaccine and autism has been
>> suggested by researchers and some parents of
>> children with autism. Often symptoms of
>> autism are first noted by parents as their
>> child begins to have difficulty with delays
>> in speaking after age one. MMR vaccine is
>> first given to children at 12 to 15 months of
>> age. Therefore, children an apparent onset of
>> autism within a few weeks after MMR
>> vaccination may simply be an unrelated chance
>> occurrence.
>> An extensive study of the evidence was
>> recently conducted in the United Kingdom. The
>> British Committee on Safety of Medicines
>> convened a "Working Party on MMR Vaccine" to
>> conduct a systematic review of reports of
>> autism, gastrointestinal disease, and similar
>> disorders after receipt of MMR or
>> measles/rubella vaccine. The National
>> Childhood Encephalopathy Study (NCES) was
>> examined to see if there was any link between
>> measles vaccine and neurological events. The
>> researchers in England found no indication
>> that measles vaccine contributes to the
>> development of long-term neurological damage,
>> including educational and behavioral deficits
>> (Miller et al 1997). A more recent
>> epidemiological study also found no
>> association between MMR vaccine and autism
>> (Taylor et al. 1999). This study compared
>> rates of autism between children who received
>> the MMR vaccine and children who did not. The
>> results found no difference in rates of
>> autism between the two groups.
>>                               2. What about the study by Dr. Andrew
>>                               Wakefield, of the Royal Free Hospital in
>>                               United Kingdom?
>>                               Current scientific evidence does not
>>                               the hypothesis that the MMR vaccine, or any
>>                               combination of vaccines, causes the
>>                               development of autism, including regressive
>>                               forms of autism. This includes the research
>>                               conducted by Dr. Wakefield.
>>                               The Wakefield Study
>>                               This study was conducted in 1998 and looked
>>                               at whether the existence of the measles
>> virus
>>                               from the MMR vaccine could cause bowel
>>                               disease and, in turn, cause autism. The
>>                               authors reviewed reports of 12 children
>>                               bowel disease and regressive developmental
>>                               disorders, mostly autism. In 9 of the
>>                               the child's parents or pediatrician
>>                               speculated that the MMR vaccine had
>>                               contributed to the behavioral problems of
>> the
>>                               children in the study.
>>                               This study was reviewed by an expert
>>                               committee from the UK Medical Research
>>                               Council (MRC). The Council concluded there
>> is
>>                               no evidence to link the MMR vaccine with
>>                               autism. On April 3, 2000 the MRC issued a
>> new
>>                               report confirming its earlier conclusion;
>> MMR
>>                               has not been linked with inflammatory bowel
>>                               disease in autism. A copy of this research
>>                               report can be found in the appendix and is
>>                               also available at the MRC web site,
>>                               Limitations of Dr. Wakefield's Study
>>                               1. The study used too few cases to make any
>>                               generalizations about the causes of autism;
>>                               only 12 children were included in the
>>                               Further, the cases were selected by
>>                               researchers and may not be representative
>>                               many cases of autism.
>>                               2. There were inadequate groups of control
>>                               children. As a result, it is difficult to
>>                               determine whether the bowel changes were
>>                               similar to changes in normal children, or
>>                               determine if the rate of vaccination in
>>                               autistic children was higher than in the
>>                               general population.
>>                               3. The study did not identify the time
>> period
>>                               during which the cases were identified.
>>                               4. In at least 4 of the 12 cases behavioral
>>                               problems appeared before the onset of
>>                               symptoms of bowel disease; that is, the
>>                               effect preceded the proposed cause. It is
>>                               unlikely, therefore, that bowel disease or
>>                               the MMR vaccine triggered the autism.
>>                               3. Would it be safer to separate the MMR
>>                               vaccine into its individual components--in
>>                               other words, give children three separate
>>                               shots, at different times (e.g., six months
>>                               or one year apart), instead of one combined
>>                               shot? Why do we have to use the combined
>>                               vaccine?
>>                               There is no scientific research or data to
>>                               indicate that there is any benefit to
>>                               separating the MMR vaccine into its
>>                               individual components. This idea is not
>> based
>>                               on any published evaluation of the
>>                               it may have on children. In fact, splitting
>>                               the MMR vaccine into three separate doses
>> may
>>                               be harmful because it would expose children
>>                               unnecessarily to potentially serious
>>                               diseases. For instance, if rubella vaccine
>>                               were delayed, 4 million children would be
>>                               susceptible to rubella for an additional
>>                               to 12 months. This would potentially allow
>>                               otherwise preventable cases of congenital
>>                               rubella syndrome (CRS) to occur. Infection
>> of
>>                               pregnant woman with "wild" rubella virus is
>>                               one of the few known causes of autism.
>>                               by preventing infection of pregnant women,
>>                               rubella vaccine also prevents autism.
>>                               4. Should a younger sibling, or a child of
>>                               someone who suffered autism be vaccinated
>>                               with MMR or other vaccines?
>>                               Current scientific evidence does not
>>                               the hypothesis that MMR, or any combination
>>                               of vaccines, cause the development of
>> autism,
>>                               including regressive forms of autism.
>>                               While family history may need to be
>>                               considered in specific circumstances, no
>>                               contraindications to vaccination exist
>> solely
>>                               on this basis. Genetic susceptibility to
>>                               severe events is worthy of further
>>                               A younger sibling or the child of someone
>> who
>>                               suffered a vaccine adverse event usually
>> can,
>>                               and should, safely receive the same
>>                               This is especially true since the large
>>                               majority of adverse events after
>>                               are local reactions and fever, which do not
>>                               represent a contraindication.
>>                               Due to the general safety of vaccines, and
>>                               the rarity of serious vaccine adverse
>> events,
>>                               it is extremely difficult to study whether
>>                               subgroup (e.g., family members) are
>>                               at increased risk compared with the general
>>                               population. The one exception is an
>> increased
>>                               risk of neurologic events--primarily
>>                               seizures--after vaccination with DTP
>>                               and measles-containing vaccines (MCV). The
>>                               risk increases if any of these have
>>                               previously occurred in immediate family
>>                               members. Considering the rare occurrence of
>>                               these events after DTP and MCV vaccination,
>>                               the generally benign outcome of febrile
>>                               convulsions, and the risk of pertussis and
>>                               measles to unvaccinated people and the
>>                               general population, the Advisory Committee
>> on
>>                               Immunization Practices concluded that a
>>                               history of convulsions in siblings or
>> parents
>>                               should not be a contraindication to
>> pertussis
>>                               or measles vaccination. Special care in the
>>                               prevention of post-vaccination fever may be
>>                               warranted in children with a family history
>>                               of seizures, however. Oral polio vaccine
>>                               (OPV) is contraindicated when there is a
>>                               family member with immune-deficiency since
>>                               OPV can spread to family contacts.
>>                               5. Should we delay vaccination until we
>>                               more about the negative effects of
>>                               There is no convincing evidence that
>> vaccines
>>                               such as MMR and hepatitis B cause long term
>>                               health effects. On the other hand, we do
>> know
>>                               that people will become ill and some will
>> die
>>                               from the diseases these vaccines prevent.
>>                               Discontinuing a vaccine program based on
>>                               unproven theories would not be in anyone's
>>                               best interest. Isolated reports about these
>>                               vaccines causing long term health problems
>>                               may sound alarming at first. However,
>> careful
>>                               review of the science reveals that these
>>                               reports are isolated and not confirmed by
>>                               scientifically sound research. Detailed
>>                               medical reviews of health effects reported
>>                               after receipt of vaccines have often proven
>>                               to be unrelated to vaccine but related to
>>                               other health factors. Because these
>>                               are recommended widely to protect the
>>                               of the public, research into any theory
>> about
>>                               their safety is important to follow and
>>                               further investigate. Several studies are
>>                               currently underway to further investigate
>>                               whether suggested long term effects are
>>                               or false signals.
>>                               6. I have heard that measles virus was
>>                               in specimens from intestines of children
>> with
>>                               autism? Have these data been reviewed by
>>                               other scientists?
>>                               The recently released finding has not yet
>>                               been published in a scientific journal.
>>                               means that it has not been reviewed by
>>                               medical experts, before and after
>>                               publication, to assure the methods of the
>>                               study are sound. No other laboratories have
>>                               had similar findings. Such tests should be
>>                               repeated by several laboratories to ensure
>>                               accurate results. Several renowned measles
>>                               laboratories have offered to duplicate the
>>                               tests in order to validate the results.
>>                               is a typical procedure that is followed in
>>                               medical research.
>>                               7. What if multiple laboratories confirmed
>>                               the presence of measles virus in specimens
>>                               from the intestines of children with
>>                               Would that indicate that measles causes
>>                               autism?
>>                               Even if measles virus were consistently
>> shown
>>                               to be present in intestinal specimens of
>>                               children, this would not conclusively
>>                               indicate that measles causes autism. It is
>>                               possible that the measles virus persists in
>>                               the intestines of children with autism,
>>                               the measles virus in the intestine is a
>>                               effect of autism, not a cause. In addition,
>>                               in order to implicate measles virus as a
>>                               cause of autism, it would be important to
>>                               show that measles virus is not present in
>> the
>>                               bowel of healthy children who are of the
>> same
>>                               age as the autistic children and have the
>>                               same history of measles infection and the
>>                               same vaccination status. Also, there is no
>>                               scientific evidence to show how intestinal
>>                               inflammation with measles virus would cause
>>                               the chronic neurological and behavioral
>>                               difficulties seen with autism.
>>                               8. What if measles virus is shown to be
>>                               associated with autism? Would that mean we
>>                               should stop vaccinating against measles?
>>                               If measles virus is shown to be associated
>>                               with autism, it would be most likely that
>> the
>>                               wild measles virus would be a greater cause
>>                               of autism than vaccine virus. Therefore, it
>>                               is likely that in preventing wild measles
>>                               virus infections, we also would be reducing
>>                               the total number of cases of autism. People
>>                               infected with wild type measles virus
>> develop
>>                               severe infections. Vaccination exposes the
>>                               child to a weaker measles virus and
>>                               the complications of these severe
>> infections.
>>                               As an example, a severe degenerative
>>                               infection of the brain (sub-acute
>>                               panencephalitis or SSPE) can occur
>>                               wild - type measles virus infection.
>>                               virus does not cause this severe
>> degenerative
>>                               infection and vaccination programs in the
>>                               United States have virtually eliminated
>>                               complications by controlling measles.
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