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----- Original Message -----
>Anti virus yang saya maksudkan adalah KakClean.exe dengan ukuran  file 37.4
> makanya saya menawarkan pengiriman melalui
>japri, mengingat tidak semua anggota milis ini memerlukan file ini. Kepada
>rekan rekan yang masih memerlukan anti virus ini saya masih bisa melayani
>sebagaimana email saya terdahulu.

Mas, tolong dong saya dikirimi juga via japri. Soalnya anti KAK yang
terdahulu tidak bisa digunakan alias Error.

> > Info lebih lengkapnya.
> >
> > From
> >
> > WScript.KAKWorm (A.K.A. KAK)
> > Download my KakCleaner program (724kb) Freeware
> >
> >
> >
> > What is WScript.KAKWorm?
> >
> > KAK is a Win32-based e-mail worm. It alters a file that your
> > computer uses whenever you send out an email message or
> > newsgroup posting so that every message that goes out has the virus
> > attached to it. It does not corrupt any data on your hard drive,
> > however it is designed to shut your machine down on certain days
> > which may inadvertantly result in a loss of data.
> >
> >
> > How do I get it?
> >
> > KAK arrives as embeded script within an email message. Just opening the
> message infects your computer.
> > You'll know you have it when you see strange messages start to pop-up
> as:
> >
> > "Do you want to allow software such as ActiveX controls and plug-ins to
> run?",
> > "Kagou-Anti-Kro$oft says not today!", and
> > "S3 driver memory alloc failed"
> >
> > Your machine may also shut itself down on its own.
> >
> >
> > Who's at risk?
> >
> > People running Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express and Internet
> > Explorer 5.0. MacOS and WebTV are immune to the virus.
> >
> > What exactly does the virus do to my computer?
> >
> > When you open an infected message the following files are written to
> > your Autoexec.bat file:
> > @echo off>c:\windows\STARTM~1\Programs\Startup\kak.hta del
> > c:\windows\STARTM~1\Programs\Startup\kak.hta
> >
> > The following filesare installed on your machine:
> > c:\windows\kak.htm
> > c:\windows\system\(random #).hta
> > c:\windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\kak.hta
> >
> > The follwing key is added to the registry under
> > HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run:
> >
> > cAg0u = "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\(random #).hta"
> >
> > The follwing key is added to the registry under
> > HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Identities\Software\Microsoft\Outlook
> > Express\5.0\signatures\:
> >
> > 00000000
> >
> >
> > Is there a way that I can clean my computer?
> >
> > Yes, you can follow these instructions
> > OR download my free KAKCleaner program, and run it.
> >
> >                  -- Begin Instructions --
> >
> >    1.Click Start - RUN, type "notepad c:\autoexec.bat" and click
> >      OK.
> >
> >    2.Remove the following lines:
> >      @echo
> >      off>c:\windows\STARTM~1\Programs\Startup\kak.hta del
> >      c:\windows\STARTM~1\Programs\Startup\kak.hta
> >
> >    3.Delete the following files:
> >      c:\windows\kak.htm
> >      c:\windows\system\(random #).hta
> >      c:\windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp\kak.hta
> >
> >    4.Click START - RUN, type REGEDIT and click OK
> >
> >    5.Click EDIT - FIND, type cAg0u and hit FIND NEXT
> >
> >    6.Once cAg0u is found, hit DELETE on the keyboard to delete
> >      that key.
> >
> >
> > What can I do to protect myself in the future?
> >
> > Get a good anti-virus scanning program with active protection. These
> > programs will scan files as they are saved to your computer's storage
> > devices, including incoming email attachments. If you've gotten away
> > without any virus protection so far, then you've been lucky! (or
> > perhaps not and you are just not aware of what's on your machine).
> > With the new propagation methods that have been used by recent
> > viruses, many other viruses, worms, and trojans are sure to surface
> > and spread like wild fire over the next few years.
> >
> > Network Associates McAfee's VirusScan, and Norton Anti-Virus,
> > are two of the best and most popular virus scanners on the market. I
> > use McAfee's VirusScan. Their automated update and upgrade
> > features are very handy and the program is straightforward and easy
> > to use. Please follow the links bellow to learn more about these
> > programs.
> >
> > Special Offer - Get discounts and rebates on McAfee's VirusScan and
> Anti-Virus from Just follow the links below.
> >
> > McAfee's VirusScan ($17.99) downloadable
> >
> >
> > Norton Anti-Virus 2000 (free after rebate) downloadable
> >
> > Visit for more virus information.
> >
> > Is there anything more I should do?
> >
> > Yes! These programs can only do their jobs if you keep their virus
> > definitions up to date. A program's virus definition list is basically a
> > text file that contains a list of all known viruses "in the wild" and
> tells
> > the program how to recognize these viruses. A number of new
> > viruses are discovered every day, so it is recommended that you
> > update your program's virus definitions at least once a month. The
> > first of the month is recommended as most software manufacturers
> > release new virus definitions on that day. A number of the software
> > titles can now be scheduled to update themselves. However, you
> > must be connected to the Internet at the time that they run their
> > updates.

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