Giving Children the Gift of Gab

Speaking to kids slowly and clearly aids language development.

When it comes to vision, newborns prefer simple sights like circles. But
for sounds, they prefer complex stimuli like the highly intonated speech
called parentese. The high pitch, slow pace, and musicality of parentese
may help children forge the brain circuits that let them identify the
phonemes –distinct sounds- of their native language, a crucial step in
understanding and producing speech. Parentese may also strengthen the
neuronal circuits that tie together sounds and meanings in child’s brain.
Some of its features:

Speaking slowly and with clear enunciation gives children a clean template
on which to model their speech. More important, it literally trains
neurons to specialize in hearing a particular phoneme, an ability crucial
for learning to read. Emphasizing one word in a sentence (‘do you see that
bird?’) rivets the child’s attention.

Repetition reinforces the neural pathways underlying language. Scientist
have a mantra for this: “Cells that fire together, wire together.” In
other words, the more a child hears “bed” and sees you point to tit, the
faster she’ll get the connection. But don’t turn it into a dreary drill.
Children acquire language not by sitting passively while you talk and
point but by taking turns in a conversation.

Four-month-olds are figuring out which mouth shapes go with which sounds,
so chat with them face to face. And imitate what they say –babies love the
feedback. Responding to “bot bot bot” with “yes, here your bottle’
reinforces her halting attempt at words.

Don’t dumb things down for toddlers. Those whose parents use many
dependent clauses (“because…” and “which…”) progress beyond simple
sentences earlier than children of parents who do not. The more you talk
to your child, the larger the vocabulary he will likely acquire. Talking
to is the crucial part: merely hearing conversations, let alone TV, seems
to have little positive influence on language development.

From: Newsweek Special 2000 Edition – Your Child

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